Wednesday, November 16, 2016

miracle of water into wine symbolism

The water pots of stone were used for the purification or cleansing of the Jews. Christ turned the water to wine. Wine is symbolic of Christ's blood- there are scriptural references, sacrament, etc. The only way we truly become purified is through Christ's atonement. Just as they took into their bodies the wine we must take into our hearts and lives the Atonement so we can be cleansed and purified.

DM research idea and a DM game

idea by Jeanne Gilmore Merrell

I tried something a little bit different with the #scripturesqueeze / #analyze a DM scripture passage that many of you have tried.
My kids were getting a little frustrated that they were all looking up the same things, I so wrote out small research assignments on pieces of paper (one for each student). On each paper I wrote something different and each student reported to the class on what they learned from their assignment. Research assignments included some of the following:
--footnote material (scripture, TG, BD, JST, etc)
--answer a question about the passage from the DM manual
--search the DM topic in the DM Core Document for information about the scripture passage
--a scripture to cross reference that was not in the footnotes
--look up a word or phrase at

--look up a specific reference in the Guide to the Scriptures at

--look up a specific reference in True to the Faith
--find a quote at
or at the LDS Scripture Citation Index
You could really use anything you want. Just make sure each student has an assignment. Or even two assignments. They just all need to be different.
I passed out the assignment papers, gave them about 2 minutes and then each reported what they found while I wrote on the board, diagramming and taking notes around the passage written previously on the board. I have started printing out the scripture in a small block for the kids to glue to the center of a journal page as was suggested by someone else. I encourage the kids to take notes on their page and many of them were scrambling to keep up with my notes on the board as everyone was reporting what they found. It was great! And it didn't take as long as it had been with them choosing to search on their own. We finished in one session. The kids liked having the specific assignments so that they weren't duplicating each other's work. It worked really well for my class. At the top of the journal page, I have them write the DM reference and the DM Topic. The scripture is glued in the middle and notes are taken all over the page. After all of the research was done and reported, I had them write somewhere on the page how this scripture applies to them and called on one of them to share. And we did this analysis of John 3:5 as part our lesson on John 3. I think it really contributed to the lesson, too.

 byAmy Slusser McAllister
A #doctrinalmastery game that works really well in our class--Divide class in teams of 4 (or adjust accordingly) and have them set their chairs in a line, perpendicular to the front of the room (one chair behind another). I read out a DM reference, the first person in the row has to find the reference in paper scriptures, then the second person can start and they have to write down the reference on a piece of paper, alone with the doctrine it supports. They pass that paper to the third person, who has to write down a question that the DM scripture can answer (why did there need to be a restoration, who calls prophets and apostles, etc). They pass it to the 4th and final person, who crumples up the paper into a ball and has to throw it to the front of the room to make a basket in the trash can. Teams get points and then we have a short discussion about the questions they wrote down and how they are applicable and other specific points and doctrines from the reference. It's a really good way to create discussion and everyone wakes up for this game!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Mark 10 obedience and sacrifice game idea

Make cards displaying different activities or items important in a teenager’s life i.e. sleep, $, girlfriend or boyfriend, sports or music, time, etc. Have enough cards of each that each student can have an assortment of three or four cards.
Make cards with questions on them i.e. “Will you serve a mission?” “Will you attend seminary?” “will you keep the Sabbath day holy?” “Will you attend YM/YW?” “Will you be temple worthy?”. Etc. Duplicate questions if necessary so that half of the class will each have one question card.
Have the class form two circles. One inside the other with the students in the inside circle facing the students in the outer circle. The students in the inside circle each has one question card and the students in the outer circle have 3 or 4 of the “item” cards. The inside circle stays in play while the outer circle students walk around the inside circle. This can be done to music. I used “Follow The Prophet”. Kind of like musical chairs = when the music stops the inside circle students ask the outer circle student who stops facing him the question on his card. The outer circle student then has to decide what he will give up in order to be obedient to the question. HE HAS TO GIVE UP A CARD to the student asking the question. All of the students in the circles are doing this at the same time. Start the music again and the outer circle start walking again and the action is repeated until the outer students no longer have any cards to “sacrifice”.
OBJECT: In order to live the gospel, keep the commandments, and follow the prophet we have to be willing to give up (sacrifice) all things …especially those that are keeping us from being obedient. Take the time to discuss some of the specific questions and the items “sacrificed “ and why that might be necessary. When I have small group I take the time to ask this of each student with each round.

by Georgia Fish Henrichsen

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

John 1 idea Holland's talk
clip from He hath filled the hungry with good things Oct 1997 conference address

John 8 idea from fb

Sorry for the long post but we had an awesome experience today due to an object lesson that went better than planned.
I taught the first part of #john8 today of the woman taken in adultery. I loved the idea by Michelle Caceres but implemented a different approach.
I began the class by giving each student a full sheet of paper and had them write in the middle of the page one thing they need to do better to draw closer to Heavenly Father, a sin they need to over come, or something they need to improve in their life. I made sure they knew ahead of time that no one would see and we would not share what they wrote. When they were done I told them to crumple up the paper into a ball and place it on the desk as we would need it later.
I then asked everyone to raise their hand that had ever had an argument with their parents. All the hands went up and I asked for a volunteer to come forward and share the experience. As a result of the argument with their parents I asked the students what the consequence would be under the law of Moses for contending with their parents. They quickly responded to stone the student. I told them they had all made a stone with the piece of paper and I wanted them to pick up the "stone" and get ready to exact the punishment.
You could see the excitement in their eyes as they all prepared to launch a barrage of paper stones, until I told them, they could only throw the "stone" if they had nothing to write on the paper. You could see the disappointment but also heard several students say, "Oh, I get it." I asked what the lesson was about today which they immediately knew, the woman taken in adultery.
But we were not done, I told them to put their "rocks" back on the table as we would still need them. We then proceeded to read though John 8:1-11. But at verse 11 we paused and asked what Jesus told the woman, "Neither do I condemn thee", at which point I told them instead of throwing our sins at others, we are going to throw them away. I had each student come forward and throw their sin in the garbage. Jesus then told the woman to "go, and sin no more" to which I had the students open their journal and write down one thing they can do starting today to literally throw their sin away and sin no more.
We then moved on to verse 12 where Jesus pronounced, "I am the light of the world". We divided up the other 6 "I Am" statements of Jesus as follows.
John 6:35
John 10:7
John 10:11
John 11:25
John 14:6
John 15:1
They had to re-write the phrase using emojis. When they were done they had to message a friend, family member, church leader, whoever they chose, their reference and emoji.
They were then again told to open their journal and write one "I Am" statement for themselves. I had each student then stand and, one at a time, with conviction, announce their "I am" statement.
We received statements such as:
I am a daughter of God
I am a worthy priesthood holder
I am honest, and etc
To close I told them how Satan will have us focus on the the item they wrote on their paper stone, whereas the savior will have us focus on the "I am" and our true potential.
It was one of those days where it went better then prepared and the spirit testified of the doctrines. The type of day why we all love teaching seminary.