Lesson 79: Ruth 1–2
aloud the following scenario:
A young woman has had a close group of
friends for a long time, and she cares about each of them. Recently she has
noticed her friends begin to change. They have begun to use inappropriate
language. Some of them are experimenting with alcohol and participating in
activities that are against the law of chastity. The young woman has felt the Holy Ghost prompt her not to go with these friends
to parties and other activities, but she has hesitated to obey these
whether you have ever been in a situation similar to this.
---In what ways might this
situation test a person’s courage, faith, and trust in the Lord?
for truths as you study Ruth
that can help you in situations when you must decide whether you will have
faith and trust in the Lord.
the following words on the board:
Famine, Elimelech, Naomi, Mahlon, Chilion,
Bethlehem, Moab, Orpah, Ruth
looking for how each of the words on the board relates to the account of Ruth. Go
through them one by one.
ancient Israel a widow’s sons were typically responsible for providing her with
protection, food, and care. If a widow had no living sons or male relatives,
she had to provide for herself. This could be very difficult if she did not own
land or have other resources. It appears that Naomi, Orpah, and Ruth were in
this situation.
---What concerns might you have
had if you had been in the position of Naomi, Orpah, and Ruth?
to Bible Maps, no. 1,
“Physical Map of the Holy Land,” in the appendix
of the Bible. Locate the city of Bethlehem
and the land of Moab.
looking for what Naomi decided to do and what she told her daughters-in-law to
---Why did Naomi decide to
return to Bethlehem? (She heard that food was again available there.)
---What did Naomi instruct her
daughters-in-law to do?
help students consider the possible advantages and disadvantages of the
decision Orpah and Ruth faced, copy the following chart on the board, and
invite students to copy it in their class notebooks or scripture study
Orpah’s and Ruth’s
in Moab Go to Bethlehem
might have been some of the advantages of staying in Moab for Orpah and Ruth?
students’ answers in the “Advantages” section under “Stay in Moab.”
answers include returning to live with their families and marrying new husbands
who would provide for them.)
---What did Orpah and Ruth say
they would do?
----Based on Orpah and Ruth’s
response, what type of feelings do you suppose they had for Naomi?
the phrase “thy people” in verse 10. The Israelites’
religion and culture differed significantly from those of the people who lived
in Moab, who worshipped idols. Although Orpah and Ruth were Moabites, it
appears that they had forsaken the worship of idols and instead worshipped the
Lord with their husbands and Naomi (see Ruth
---What might have been some of
the advantages of choosing to go with Naomi to Bethlehem?
students’ answers in the “Advantages” section under “Go to Bethlehem.”
(Possible answers include caring for Naomi and
worshipping the Lord with others who believed in Him.)
---Why did Naomi discourage
Orpah and Ruth from going to Bethlehem with her?
students’ answers in the “Disadvantages” section under “Go to Bethlehem.”
---What other disadvantages
might Orpah and Ruth have experienced as a result of going to Bethlehem?
students’ answers to the “Disadvantages” section under “Go to Bethlehem.”
answers include needing to provide for themselves and being strangers in a land
distant from their homes and families.)
---What disadvantages would
Orpah and Ruth have experienced as a result of staying in Moab?
students’ answers to the “Disadvantages” section under “Stay in Moab.”
would not be with Naomi, whom they loved, and they may not be able to worship
the Lord with others who shared their faith.)
---What would you have done if
you had been in Orpah and Ruth’s position? Why?
---What could the words “gone
back unto her people, and unto her gods” (Ruth
suggest about Orpah’s relationship with the Lord? (Orpah may have chosen to return
to her old gods and ways.)
---What do you think about
Ruth’s response?
---How do Ruth’s words show that
she trusted in the Lord?
students respond, write the following incomplete statement on the board:
If we choose to trust
in the Lord, then …
for what happened as a result of Ruth’s decision to trust in the Lord as they
continue to study the book of Ruth.
of Ruth
Naomi and Ruth traveled to Bethlehem. Since they were extremely poor, they
desperately needed to find a way to support themselves.
---How did Ruth and Naomi obtain
food? What does glean mean?
may need to explain that to glean means to pick up grain that remains in the
field after the crop has been harvested.)
that the law of Moses instructed those
who owned fields not to harvest the crops in the edges of their fields. The law
allowed the poor to harvest these crops, ensuring that they would have
something to eat. After the harvest was gathered in, the poor were also allowed
to go into the field and glean the crops that had been missed by the harvesters
(see Deuteronomy
quote: Ruth 2:1–2, 20. “The man is
near of kin unto us”
levirate law of marriage stated that when a man married and then died before
having a male child, his nearest male relative (usually his brother or another
near kinsman) was to marry the widow. The first son of that union was
considered to be the son and heir of the deceased husband so that the deceased
man’s family line could
continue. In order to provide an inheritance for the heir, this “kinsman [also]
had the right to purchase (redeem) the land of [his] deceased relative.” By
purchasing this land, providing for the widow’s needs, and ensuring the
continuance of the family line, this kinsman essentially became a redeemer or
protector to the widow. The levirate law is recorded in Deuteronomy
Genesis 38 includes an
application of the levirate law that involves the three sons of Judah. Naomi
also referred to this law (see Ruth
---What did Boaz want to know?
---How did Boaz show kindness to
of the love and kindness she had shown to Naomi.)
---What principle can we learn
from Ruth’s experience about what can happen as we show love and kindness to
others? (When we show love and kindness to others, we invite
the Lord’s blessings into our lives.)
---When have you or someone you
know received the Lord’s blessings after showing love and kindness for others?
ways in which you can show love and kindness to others. Find ways to do so
during the next few days.
---According to verse 12, what was another
reason why Ruth had been blessed? (Because she trusted in the Lord.)
we choose to trust in the Lord, then He will reward us for our faith.)
of Ruth
Boaz showed additional kindness to Ruth by inviting her to eat with him and the
reapers, the people he hired to harvest his fields. Boaz also told the reapers
to leave extra portions of grain for Ruth to harvest. Ruth returned to Naomi
and told her what had happened. Together they rejoiced in the Lord’s blessings
and kindness to them.
again the scenario discussed at the beginning of class.
---How could the principle we
identified about choosing to trust in the Lord help the young woman in this scenario?
students respond, invite a student to read aloud the following statement by
Elder Richard G. Scott:
“At times you may
feel lonely and misunderstood … because you don’t fit in with the crowd. Be
grateful that your righteous life molds you so that you don’t fit where you
don’t belong. This is a temporary period of personal testing and growth. It
will be replaced in time with true friends and greater happiness” (“The Power of Righteousness,” Ensign, Nov.
1998, 70).
---When have you felt that the
Lord rewarded your faith because you chose to trust in Him?
of the truths you have discussed.
students to act on these truths by trusting in the Lord and showing love and
kindness to others.
Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley: Be
a Little Kinder (1:39)
President Gordon B. Hinckley teaches the Saints to show kindness and love to all. You might choose to show this video as students ponder ways in which they can show love and kindness to others.
President Gordon B. Hinckley teaches the Saints to show kindness and love to all. You might choose to show this video as students ponder ways in which they can show love and kindness to others.
quotes for students to read:
1. A young woman has had a close group of
friends for a long time, and she cares about each of them. Recently she has
noticed her friends begin to change. They have begun to use inappropriate
language. Some of them are experimenting with alcohol and participating in
activities that are against the law of chastity. The young woman has felt the Holy Ghost prompt her not to go with these friends
to parties and other activities, but she has hesitated to obey these
In ancient Israel a widow’s sons were typically responsible for providing her
with protection, food, and care. If a widow had no living sons or male
relatives, she had to provide for herself. This could be very difficult if she
did not own land or have other resources. It appears that Naomi, Orpah, and
Ruth were in this situation.
Notice the phrase “thy people” in verse 10. The Israelites’
religion and culture differed significantly from those of the people who lived
in Moab, who worshipped idols. Although Orpah and Ruth were Moabites, it
appears that they had forsaken the worship of idols and instead worshipped the
Lord with their husbands and Naomi.
Remember that the law of Moses instructed those
who owned fields not to harvest the crops in the edges of their fields. The law
allowed the poor to harvest these crops, ensuring that they would have
something to eat. After the harvest was gathered in, the poor were also allowed
to go into the field and glean the crops that had been missed by the harvesters
5. Ruth
2:1–2, 20. “The man is near of kin unto us”
levirate law of marriage stated that when a man married and then died before
having a male child, his nearest male relative (usually his brother or another
near kinsman) was to marry the widow. The first son of that union was
considered to be the son and heir of the deceased husband so that the deceased
man’s family line could
continue. In order to provide an inheritance for the heir, this “kinsman [also]
had the right to purchase (redeem) the land of [his] deceased relative.” By
purchasing this land, providing for the widow’s needs, and ensuring the
continuance of the family line, this kinsman essentially became a redeemer or
protector to the widow. The levirate law is recorded in Deuteronomy 25:5–10. Genesis 38 includes an
application of the levirate law that involves the three sons of Judah. Naomi
also referred to this law (see Ruth 1:11).
Boaz showed additional kindness to Ruth by inviting her to eat with him and the
reapers, the people he hired to harvest his fields. Boaz also told the reapers
to leave extra portions of grain for Ruth to harvest. Ruth returned to Naomi
and told her what had happened. Together they rejoiced in the Lord’s blessings
and kindness to them.
Elder Richard G. Scott:
times you may feel lonely and misunderstood … because you don’t fit in with the
crowd. Be grateful that your righteous life molds you so that you don’t fit
where you don’t belong. This is a temporary period of personal testing and
growth. It will be replaced in time with true friends and greater happiness.”
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