may want to begin the lesson by asking students to raise their hands if they
enjoy music. Invite several students to explain why they enjoy music. (You may
want to point out that music can help us express our feelings.)
students to look through their hymnbooks to find a hymn that expresses their
feelings about the Lord.
a few students to tell the class which hymn they selected and why.
that the book of Psalms is a collection of sacred songs, poems, and prayers to
God. In ancient times, the Israelites would sing or recite the psalms as part
of their worship of the Lord.
9:1–2, 9–10, 13–14
aloud looking for phrases that may reflect their feelings for the Lord.
---What phrases in these verses
reflect some of your feelings for the Lord?
prepare students to study some of the psalms that contain prophecies of Jesus
Christ, invite a student to read aloud the following statement by Elder
Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:
Himself quoted the book of Psalms more than any other Old Testament text.
Beyond the Savior’s own use of these writings, the authors of the four Gospels
[Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John] drew heavily on the psalms as they strove to
document His life and ministry, particularly those excruciating hours of His arrest,
trial, and Crucifixion.”
remind the class of the events surrounding Jesus Christ’s suffering and death,
invite a few students to take turns reading aloud from the following scripture
passages: Matthew
27:26–43, 46;
19:31–33, 36.
the class to follow along, looking for the specific experiences Jesus Christ
had leading up to and during His Crucifixion.
that: Following His Resurrection, Jesus Christ appeared to His Apostles
and taught them that He had fulfilled the prophecies concerning Him that were
written in the psalms and other Old Testament passages (see Luke
prepare students to study some of the psalms the Savior may have referred to,
write the following scripture references on the board:
students to look for phrases that relate to the Crucifixion of the Savior.
may want to suggest that students mark what they find.
truths can we learn from studying these psalms and learning about how they were
may use different words but should identify the following truths: Prophecies
of Jesus Christ’s suffering and death were given long before He was born on
earth. The prophecies of Jesus Christ’s suffering and death were fulfilled.)
can our faith in Jesus Christ be strengthened by knowing that prophecies of His
suffering and death were given long before He was born on earth and that these
prophecies were fulfilled?
the following words randomly on the board:
students to reflect on the last time they experienced or worried about any of
the challenges listed on the board.
that: Psalm 23 teaches how the
Lord can help us when we experience difficulties. This psalm is widely regarded
as one of the most beloved scripture passages in the Bible. Because Psalm 23 is a poem, it
contains vivid images and symbols.
out that if the Lord is like a shepherd, then we are like sheep.
---In what ways are we like
sheep in need of a shepherd?
a student to read aloud the following statement by Elder Holland:
need a shepherd because in innocence or ignorance—but on occasion willfully and
against counsel—we turn ‘every one to his own way’ and as a result ‘have gone
astray’ [Isaiah
We wander here and scamper there, inspect this and nibble at that, until at
some point we look up and realize we are either lost or about to be destroyed.
We realize that we, or others who affect us, have done either something stupid
or something wrong—which are so very often the same thing. We realize we
desperately need help; we are in trouble and frantically look about for our
shepherd, our defender, our savior.”
students to review Psalm
looking for phrases that teach what the Lord does for us as our Shepherd.
---Ask students to report what they find.
As they do so, you may want to ask follow-up questions such as the following:
---What do you think that phrase
---When have you felt the Lord
bless you in that way?
help students understand the images of the rod and staff in verse 4, invite a student
to read aloud the following statement by Elder Holland:
ancient days the only instruments a shepherd carried were a rod and a staff.
The rod was a short, stout, club-like weapon used to defend oneself or the
flock from an intruder. It was meant to be—and to convey—strength and power in
the hand of a strong shepherd who knew how to use it. …
staff was a longer, lighter piece, usually with a hook (or crook) on the end
used for rescuing a stranded sheep. It, more than the rod, is associated in
both art and myth with the shepherd and his vigilant watchcare. … Everything
about the staff speaks of safety and care. It is the great scriptural
instrument of rescue and redemption.
life we need defending and we need rescue. One way or the other, we are
vulnerable. Whether it be in threatening confrontations or routine wandering,
we are blessed and protected by God’s vigilant care. Thy rod and thy staff they
comfort me” (For Times of Trouble, 217–18).
that in Psalm
the image of the Lord changes from a shepherd to a host who provides a feast
for us.
students to review verses
looking for phrases that indicate how the Lord is like a host who serves and
feeds us.
may want to explain that in ancient times, hosts would anoint the heads of
their honored guests with expensive perfumed oil.)
---What phrases indicate that
the Lord is like a host who serves and feeds us?
students respond, ask them to explain how these phrases help us understand what
the Lord does for us.)
may use different words but should identify the following principle: If we
trust in the Lord, He will lead and care for us.)
---How has the Lord led or cared
for you as you have trusted in Him?
students to ponder experiences they have had when they trusted in the Lord and
felt that He led or cared for them.
may want to invite several students to share their experiences with the class. Consider
sharing an experience of your own.
help students increase their understanding of scripture mastery passages, give
them an opportunity to create their own questions about the passages. Invite
students to work together, as a class or in small groups, to write clues that
point to specific scripture mastery passages. (You may want to select a group
of passages that you would like students to learn or review.) Then ask them to
read their clues to you. Points are awarded to you if you guess a scripture
mastery passage correctly. Points are awarded to the class if you are unable to
guess correctly.
If you do not have time to use this activity as part of this lesson, you may
use it for a different lesson. For other review activities, see the appendix of this manual.
Commentary and
Background Information
1–150. How and what should our praises be?
Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shared his personal
feelings about praising the Lord:
think the Lord’s people should rejoice in him and shout praises to his holy
name. Cries of hosannah should ascend from our lips continually. When I think
of the revealed knowledge we have about him whom it is life eternal to know,
and of the great plan of salvation which he ordained for us; when I think about
his Beloved Son, who bought us with his blood, and who brought life and immortality to light through
his atoning sacrifice; when I think of the life and ministry of the Prophet Joseph Smith, who has done
more save Jesus only for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man
who ever lived in it, and who crowned his mortal ministry with a martyr’s
death—my soul wells up with eternal gratitude and I desire to
raise my voice with the choirs above in ceaseless praise to him who dwells on
I think that the Lord has a living oracle guiding his earthly kingdom, and that
there are apostles and prophets who walk the earth again; when I think that the
Lord has given us the gift and power of the Holy Ghost so that we have
the revelations of heaven and the power to sanctify our souls; when I think of
the unnumbered blessings—the gifts, the miracles, the promise that the family unit shall go on
everlastingly, all the blessings that are poured out upon us, and offered
freely to all men everywhere—my desire to praise the Lord and proclaim his
goodness and grace knows no bounds. And so in this spirit of praise and
thanksgiving … I shall conclude with these words of my own psalm:
ye the Lord:
him for his goodness;
him for his grace;
his name and seek his face—
praise ye the Lord.
is the Lord:
him for his mercy;
him for his love;
his name and seek his face—
blessed is the Lord.
ye the Lord:
him who all things did create;
him who all things did redeem;
his name and seek his face—
praise ye the Lord.
ye the Lord:
him who rules on high;
him whose will we know;
his name and seek his face—
Singing of Hymns (0:57)
Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles teaches how the singing of hymns invites the Spirit of the Lord. Consider showing this video to begin the lesson today. Then invite students to look through their hymnbooks to find a hymn that expresses their feelings about the Lord.
Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles teaches how the singing of hymns invites the Spirit of the Lord. Consider showing this video to begin the lesson today. Then invite students to look through their hymnbooks to find a hymn that expresses their feelings about the Lord.
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