Tuesday, March 1, 2016

lesson 117

Lesson 117: Isaiah 3–5

Isaiah prophesied of consequences, including woes and judgments, that Judah and Jerusalem would suffer for their corruption. He also prophesied that Jerusalem would be restored after it was purged, and he prophesied of events in the last days.

I. Isaiah 3  Isaiah prophesies of the consequences that will come from disobeying the Lord

---Show students seeds from different fruits, and invite them to guess the fruit each seed will produce.
---Ask the following questions, replacing apples with the name of a fruit that may come from one of the seeds you show your students.
                ---If you wanted apples, which seed would you need to plant and nourish? Why would you not expect an orange seed to produce apples?

---Ponder how this simple object lesson relates to the choices you make and the consequences that follow.
---Look for principles as you study Isaiah 3–5 that can help you make choices that will bring you confidence, peace, and happiness.

---Isaiah 3 contains a prophecy about the house of Judah in Isaiah’s day and that this prophecy also applies to people in our day.

---Summary of Isaiah 3:1–7: Isaiah prophesied of the physical destruction and spiritual loss that would come upon Judah and Jerusalem.

---Read Isaiah 3:8–9 aloud looking for what would bring these consequences upon the people.
                ---What would cause Jerusalem to be ruined and Judah to fall?
                ---What do you think the phrase “they have rewarded evil unto themselves” (Isaiah 3:9) means?
(They have brought evil, trouble, or disaster upon themselves.)

---Read Isaiah 3:10–11 aloud looking for what the Lord taught about choices and consequences.
                ---What do you think the statement that the righteous “shall eat the fruit of their doings” (verse 10) means?
                ---What principles can we learn about choices and consequences from these verses
If we are righteous, we will enjoy the blessings of our choices. If we sin, we will suffer the negative consequences of our choices.
                ---How do these principles relate to seeds and the fruit they produce?

Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles reiterated the consequences of obedience and disobedience when he said:
“Keeping divine commandments brings blessings, every time! Breaking divine commandments brings a loss of blessings, every time

---To help students understand these principles, read the following scenario aloud:

A young man wants to feel confident, happy, and worthy to attend the temple with his ward on Saturday morning. On Friday night, he is tempted to view pornography.

                ---What fruit will come from planting the seed of sin by viewing pornography? What “seed” must this young man plant to obtain the “fruit” he desires?
                ---How can remembering the consequences of righteousness and sin help us as we make choices?

---From Isaiah 3:12–24 we can gain a greater understanding of the negative consequences of sinful choices. Isaiah 3:12–15 includes a description of how the leaders of the people had caused them to go astray and had oppressed the poor. These leaders were men but are described in verse 12 as having acted in childish and weak ways. Isaiah then described the behavior of the daughters of Zion. Although verse 16 can have several meanings, it clearly describes the sinful condition of the daughters of Zion in the latter days. It may also refer to the women of Zion in Isaiah’s day or even the nation of Judah. Even though Isaiah specifically referred to “the daughters of Zion,” his words can also apply to men.

---Read Isaiah 3:16 aloud looking for the attitudes and actions of the daughters of Zion.
                ---What sins had the daughters of Zion committed? (They were arrogant, vain, and looked at others in a seductive way. You might explain that their vanity was influenced by their preoccupation with wealth and fashion [see verses 18–23].)
Isaiah 3:16–24. The sins of the daughters of Zion

Although Isaiah specifically addressed the “daughters of Zion” in Isaiah 3:16–24, his words can also apply to men. The sins of the daughters of Zion involved immodesty, which is an attitude of pride. This prideful attitude can be reflected in the way a person behaves and dresses, such as in ways to flaunt their wealth or physical body. Modesty, on the other hand, “is an attitude of humility and decency in dress, grooming, language, and behavior. If you are modest, you do not draw undue attention to yourself. Instead, you seek to ‘glorify God in your body, and in your spirit’ (1 Corinthians 6:20; see also verse 19)” (True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference [2004], 106).


Isaiah 3:16–24 is a good example of passages in the scriptures having multiple meanings:

“Isaiah shows that the wickedness prevailing in Israel and Judah included the women, who were proud, arrogant, and more concerned with their clothing, jewels, and personal appearance than with righteousness. But these verses can also be applied in the latter days, when women will once more lose sight of proper priorities. President Joseph Fielding Smith said of this passage:

“‘Isaiah, one of the great prophets of early times, saw our day, and he described the conditions that would prevail among the “daughters of Zion” in these latter days. …

“‘Now, in this modern day, Isaiah’s prophecy has been and is being fulfilled. …

“‘The standards expressed by the General Authorities of the Church are that women, as well as men, should dress modestly. They are taught proper deportment and modesty at all times. It is, in my judgment, a sad reflection on the ‘daughters of Zion’ when they dress immodestly. Moreover, this remark pertains to the men as well as to the women. The Lord gave commandments to ancient Israel that both men and women should cover their bodies and observe the law of chastity at all times.’ [Answers to Gospel Questions, comp. Joseph Fielding Smith Jr., 5 vols. (1957–66), 5:172–74.]” (Old Testament Student Manual: 1 Kings–Malachi, 3rd ed. [Church Educational System manual, 2003], 140).

Directly related to the immodesty of the daughters of Zion was their vanity, which involves being excessively preoccupied with and prideful about one’s physical appearance. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught of the modern-day temptations and harmful consequences of vanity:

“You are bombarded in movies, television, fashion magazines, and advertisements with the message that looks are everything! The pitch is, ‘If your looks are good enough, your life will be glamorous and you will be happy and popular.’ That kind of pressure is immense in the teenage years. …

“In terms of preoccupation with self and a fixation on the physical, this is more than social insanity; it is spiritually destructive, and it accounts for much of the unhappiness women, including young women, face in the modern world. … In secular society both vanity and imagination run wild. One would truly need a great and spacious makeup kit to compete with beauty as portrayed in media all around us.”

VIDEO To Young Women (3:41)
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles advises young women to be more accepting of themselves, regardless of their body type or style (time
codes 8:07 to 11:48).

Isaiah 3:16–26. The sins of the daughters of Zion

After students discover the sins of the daughters of Zion as recorded in Isaiah 3:16, ask:
                ---In what ways might people be tempted to commit these same sins in our day?
Invite students to study Isaiah 3:17–26, looking for the consequences that would come to the daughters of Zion because of their sins.

---Summary of Isaiah 3:17–26: Isaiah described the consequences of the sins of the daughters of Zion. They would be humbled, lose their possessions, and suffer from war, destruction, and desolation.

II. Isaiah 4  Isaiah prophesies of events in the last days

---Summary of Isaiah 4: Isaiah foresaw the Lord’s cleansing of the earth of wickedness and the cleansing and redemption of His people in the millennial day. In the Joseph Smith Translation, Isaiah 4:1 is moved to become the last verse of Isaiah 3.

---Read Isaiah 4:5–6 silently, looking for what the Lord will provide for the righteous.
                ---What blessings will the Lord provide for the righteous?

III. Isaiah 5  Isaiah prophesies of woes and judgments that will come upon the house of Israel

---Read the following scenario aloud:
One of your friends wants to stop attending church meetings and activities and living the Lord’s standards.
                ---What would you say to encourage this friend to not turn away from the Lord?

---Look for a principle in Isaiah 5 that can help you resist the temptation to turn away from the Lord and can help you encourage others to follow Him as well.

---Isaiah 5:1–7 compares the house of Israel to a vineyard.

---Read Isaiah 5:1–2 aloud looking for what the Lord did for His vineyard.
                ---What did the Lord do for His vineyard?      
---What kind of fruit did the vineyard produce? Why are wild grapes not desirable? (They can be sour or bitter.)
                ---How is the vineyard producing sour grapes symbolic of the house of Israel? (Israel had turned away from, or rebelled against, the Lord.)

---Write the following phrase on the board:
If we turn away from the Lord, …

---In Isaiah 5:3–4, we read that the Lord asked what more He could have done for the vineyard. He then explained what would happen to the vineyard because it had brought forth poor fruit.

---Read Isaiah 5:5–7 aloud looking for what the Lord would do to the vineyard.
                ---What would be the effects of taking away the hedge and breaking down the wall?
                ---What would happen to the vineyard if it were not worked in or rained upon?
                ---How are these results similar to the natural consequences that come from disobeying the Lord’s commandments?

---Add the following clause to the statement on the board:
 We will lose His protection and help …

---Isaiah then taught what would happen to Israel as a result of losing the Lord’s protection and help.

---Search for a word that is repeated in Isaiah 5:8, 11, 18, 20, 21, and 22.
---What did you find?

---Woe means intense sorrow or suffering.
---Complete the statement on the board by adding the phrase and experience sorrow and suffering.
If we turn away from the Lord, we will lose His protection and help and experience sorrow and suffering.

scripture mastery iconIsaiah 5:20 is a scripture mastery passage. Studying scripture mastery passages will help students increase their understanding of basic doctrines and be prepared to teach them to others. You may want to suggest that students mark scripture mastery passages in a distinctive way so they will be able to locate them easily. Refer to the teaching idea at the end of the lesson to help students with their mastery of this passage.

If possible, provide students with copies of the following handout. At the top of each handout, write one of the following references: Isaiah 5:11–12, Isaiah 5:18–19, Isaiah 5:20–21, or Isaiah 5:22–23. Invite students to complete the activities on the handout.

Assigned verses: __________________________________________________

Read these verses, looking for ways people turn away from the Lord.
Write a description, in your own words, of the attitudes and behaviors you read about:
Write two examples of these attitudes and behaviors in our day:

---You may need to provide the following explanation to students who read Isaiah 5:18–19:

In Isaiah 5:18 we read that Isaiah foresaw that the people would be tied to their sins like animals are tied to their burdens (see footnote c). Isaiah 5:19 records that because the people were lacking in faith, they were sign seekers who demanded that God demonstrate His power (see 2 Peter 3:3–4).

Isaiah 5:18. The effects of sin

President Harold B. Lee described how sin is like a burden:

“If I were to ask you what is the heaviest burden one may have to bear in this life, what would you answer? The heaviest burden that one has to bear in this life is the burden of sin”

Isaiah 5:20. Calling “evil good, and good evil”

Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught of the way people would be influenced to call “evil good, and good evil” in our day:

“Political campaigns and marketing strategies widely employ public opinion polls to shape their plans. Results of those polls are informative. But they could hardly be used as grounds to justify disobedience to God’s commandments! Even if ‘everyone is doing it,’ wrong is never right. Evil, error, and darkness will never be truth, even if popular” (“Let Your Faith Show,” Ensign, May 2014, 30–31).
Isaiah 5:25 (2 Nephi 15:25). “His hand is stretched out still”

The phrase “his hand is stretched out still” can represent both the justice and mercy of God—justice (destruction and punishment) for the wicked and mercy for the repentant if they will turn to God. From the context of the surrounding verses, the reader can often determine which meaning was intended by the scripture author.

Isaiah 5:26–30. Isaiah describes our day

Elder LeGrand Richards of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles suggested how the symbols in Isaiah 5:26–29 can be understood in relation to the gathering of Israel in our day:

“In fixing the time of the great gathering, Isaiah seemed to indicate that it would take place in the day of the railroad train and the airplane. …

“Since there were neither trains nor airplanes in that day, Isaiah could hardly have mentioned them by name. However, he seems to have described them in unmistakable words. How better could ‘their horses’ hoofs be counted like flint, and their wheels like a whirlwind’ than in the modern train? How better could ‘their roaring … be like a lion’ than in the roar of the airplane? Trains and airplanes do not stop for night. Therefore, was not Isaiah justified in saying: ‘none shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken’? With this manner of transportation the Lord can really ‘hiss unto them from the end of the earth,’ that ‘they shall come with speed swiftly.’ Indicating that Isaiah must have foreseen the airplane, he stated: ‘Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?’ (Isaiah 60:8.)” (Israel! Do You Know? [1954], 182).

---After students have completed their handouts, assign them to work in groups of four (one student for each assigned reference).
---Invite them to share with their groups what they wrote.
---After sufficient time, invite some students to share with the class what they learned.

---Read Isaiah 5:13–15, 24–25 looking for additional consequences that would come from turning away from the Lord.
                ---What consequences would come from turning away from the Lord? (You may need to explain that one meaning of the phrase “his hand is stretched out still” [Isaiah 5:25] is that despite all these judgments, justice would not yet be satisfied and the Lord would continue to punish the rebellious.)

Passages with “his hand is stretched out still” that likely refer to God’s justice:
Passages with “his hand is stretched out still” that likely refer to God’s mercy:
* Isaiah 9:12, footnote d, indicates that the phrase in this verse can refer to both justice and mercy.

                ---When have you seen someone experience sorrow and suffering because he or she turned away from the Lord? (Remind students that they should not share experiences that are private or too personal.)

---Write in your class notebooks a goal to do one thing you feel could help you turn more fully to the Lord so you can enjoy His protection and help and avoid unnecessary sorrow and suffering.

---Summary of the rest of Isaiah 5: Isaiah included a prophecy with multiple meanings: one interpretation teaches about how nations would gather against the Israelites in his day, and the other teaches about how the Lord would gather Israel in the latter days.

scripture mastery iconScripture Mastery—Isaiah 5:20
Help students understand this scripture by inviting a few students to come to the front of the class to sample bitter foods (for example, uncured olives, horseradish, citrus peel, or kale). Ask them to describe the taste.
                ---How would you respond if someone tried to convince you that what you just tasted was sweet?
                ---How can this example relate to how people in our day might perceive and explain good and evil?
                ---Why do you think people might call “evil good, and good evil”? (You may need to point out that verse 20 describes people who have lost the ability to distinguish right from wrong, as well as people who are knowingly trying to deceive.)
                ---How can we tell the difference between what is truly good or evil, light or darkness, and bitter or sweet?

---Encourage students to try to recite this scripture three times each day for the next week so they can commit it to memory.



The Daughters of Zion
Isaiah used jewelry, clothing, and other symbols to describe behaviors and attitudes of the daughters of Zion and to reprove and warn them about the judgments that would come as a result of their sins.
  • “Stretched forth necks.” An idiom describing haughtiness—pride in self and scorn toward others; looking about to see if others notice one’s beauty.
  • “Wanton eyes.” Seductive or sensual glances.
  • “Mincing.” Walking with short, rapid steps in an affected manner or childish way. Women wore costly ornamental chains connecting rings about their ankles, which required them to take unnaturally short steps.
  • “Making a tinkling with their feet.” Women’s feet were often adorned with bells and made a tinkling sound when they walked.
  • “Discover their secret parts.” An idiom meaning that their wickedness would be exposed; the Lord would put them to shame or humiliate them by exposing their nakedness.
  • “Tinkling ornaments about their feet.” Anklets.
  • “Cauls.” Possibly hairnets.
  • “Round tires like the moon.” Ornaments, such as a pendant shaped like a crescent moon, according to the fashions of the day.
  • “Chains.” Earrings.
  • “Mufflers.” Veils.
  • “Bonnets.” Headdresses.
  • “Ornaments of the legs.” Chains connecting the anklets.
  • “Headbands.” Girdles or sashes.
  • “Tablets.” Perfume boxes or bottles.
  • “Earrings.” Charms or amulets.
  • “Rings.” Signet rings or rings with a seal.
  • “Nose jewels.” Nose rings.
  • “Changeable suits of apparel.” Resplendent garments, such as fine robes used for special occasions.
  • “Mantles.” Overcloaks.
  • “Wimples.” Possibly either cloaks or wide pieces of cloth wrapped around the body.
  • “Crisping pins.” Purses or bags.
  • “Glasses.” Transparent garments, or possibly a metal mirror.
  • “Fine linen.” Linen clothing.
  • “Hoods.” Turbans.
  • “Veils.” Shawls.
  • “A rent.” Rags, or a rope or tether.
  • “A stomacher.” A robe.
  • “Burning.” Branding, which was a mark of slavery.

---After students have had sufficient time to study, ask:
                ---What would be the consequences of the people’s sins? (They would be humbled, lose their possessions, and suffer from war, destruction, and desolation.)

---The consequences Isaiah prophesied of were fulfilled by the Assyrian armies, who captured, humiliated, enslaved, destroyed, and dispersed the Israelites.
---What principle can we learn from the errors of the people Isaiah described in Isaiah 3:16–26? (Students may identify a principle such as the following: Pride, immorality, and a preoccupation with wealth and fashion will lead to negative consequences.)
                ---What negative consequences can pride, immorality, and a preoccupation with wealth and fashion lead to in our day?
Right  margin extras:

Assigned verses: __________________________________________________
Read these verses, looking for ways people turn away from the Lord.
Write a description, in your own words, of the attitudes and behaviors you read about:
Write two examples of these attitudes and behaviors in our day:

Assigned verses: __________________________________________________
Read these verses, looking for ways people turn away from the Lord.
Write a description, in your own words, of the attitudes and behaviors you read about:
Write two examples of these attitudes and behaviors in our day:
In Isaiah 5:18 we read that Isaiah foresaw that the people would be tied to their sins like animals are tied to their burdens (see footnote c). Isaiah 5:19 records that because the people were lacking in faith, they were sign seekers who demanded that God demonstrate His power

Assigned verses: __________________________________________________
Read these verses, looking for ways people turn away from the Lord.
Write a description, in your own words, of the attitudes and behaviors you read about:
Write two examples of these attitudes and behaviors in our day:

Assigned verses: __________________________________________________
Read these verses, looking for ways people turn away from the Lord.
Write a description, in your own words, of the attitudes and behaviors you read about:
Write two examples of these attitudes and behaviors in our day:

Scenario 1:
A young man wants to feel confident, happy, and worthy to attend the temple with his ward on Saturday morning. On Friday night, he is tempted to view pornography.

Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles reiterated the consequences of obedience and disobedience when he said: “Keeping divine commandments brings blessings, every time! Breaking divine commandments brings a loss of blessings, every time!”

From Isaiah 3:12–24 we can gain a greater understanding of the negative consequences of sinful choices. Isaiah 3:12–15 includes a description of how the leaders of the people had caused them to go astray and had oppressed the poor. These leaders were men but are described in verse 12 as having acted in childish and weak ways. Isaiah then described the behavior of the daughters of Zion. Although verse 16 can have several meanings, it clearly describes the sinful condition of the daughters of Zion in the latter days. It may also refer to the women of Zion in Isaiah’s day or even the nation of Judah. Even though Isaiah specifically referred to “the daughters of Zion,” his words can also apply to men.

Isaiah 3:16–24. The sins of the daughters of Zion

Although Isaiah specifically addressed the “daughters of Zion” in Isaiah 3:16–24, his words can also apply to men. The sins of the daughters of Zion involved immodesty, which is an attitude of pride. This prideful attitude can be reflected in the way a person behaves and dresses, such as in ways to flaunt their wealth or physical body. Modesty, on the other hand, “is an attitude of humility and decency in dress, grooming, language, and behavior. If you are modest, you do not draw undue attention to yourself. Instead, you seek to ‘glorify God in your body, and in your spirit’ (1 Corinthians 6:20; see also verse 19)” (True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference [2004], 106).

Isaiah 3:16–24 is a good example of passages in the scriptures having multiple meanings:

“Isaiah shows that the wickedness prevailing in Israel and Judah included the women, who were proud, arrogant, and more concerned with their clothing, jewels, and personal appearance than with righteousness. But these verses can also be applied in the latter days, when women will once more lose sight of proper priorities. President Joseph Fielding Smith said of this passage:

“‘Isaiah, one of the great prophets of early times, saw our day, and he described the conditions that would prevail among the “daughters of Zion” in these latter days. …

“‘Now, in this modern day, Isaiah’s prophecy has been and is being fulfilled. …

“‘The standards expressed by the General Authorities of the Church are that women, as well as men, should dress modestly. They are taught proper deportment and modesty at all times. It is, in my judgment, a sad reflection on the ‘daughters of Zion’ when they dress immodestly. Moreover, this remark pertains to the men as well as to the women. The Lord gave commandments to ancient Israel that both men and women should cover their bodies and observe the law of chastity at all times.’ [Answers to Gospel Questions, comp. Joseph Fielding Smith Jr., 5 vols. (1957–66), 5:172–74.]” (Old Testament Student Manual: 1 Kings–Malachi, 3rd ed. [Church Educational System manual, 2003], 140).

Directly related to the immodesty of the daughters of Zion was their vanity, which involves being excessively preoccupied with and prideful about one’s physical appearance. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught of the modern-day temptations and harmful consequences of vanity:

“You are bombarded in movies, television, fashion magazines, and advertisements with the message that looks are everything! The pitch is, ‘If your looks are good enough, your life will be glamorous and you will be happy and popular.’ That kind of pressure is immense in the teenage years. …

“In terms of preoccupation with self and a fixation on the physical, this is more than social insanity; it is spiritually destructive, and it accounts for much of the unhappiness women, including young women, face in the modern world. … In secular society both vanity and imagination run wild. One would truly need a great and spacious makeup kit to compete with beauty as portrayed in media all around us.”
Scenario 2:
One of your friends wants to stop attending church meetings and activities and living the Lord’s standards.

Isaiah 5:18. The effects of sin

President Harold B. Lee described how sin is like a burden:

“If I were to ask you what is the heaviest burden one may have to bear in this life, what would you answer? The heaviest burden that one has to bear in this life is the burden of sin”

Isaiah 5:20. Calling “evil good, and good evil”

Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught of the way people would be influenced to call “evil good, and good evil” in our day:

“Political campaigns and marketing strategies widely employ public opinion polls to shape their plans. Results of those polls are informative. But they could hardly be used as grounds to justify disobedience to God’s commandments! Even if ‘everyone is doing it,’ wrong is never right. Evil, error, and darkness will never be truth, even if popular” (“Let Your Faith Show,” Ensign, May 2014, 30–31).
Isaiah 5:25 (2 Nephi 15:25). “His hand is stretched out still”

The phrase “his hand is stretched out still” can represent both the justice and mercy of God—justice (destruction and punishment) for the wicked and mercy for the repentant if they will turn to God. From the context of the surrounding verses, the reader can often determine which meaning was intended by the scripture author.

Isaiah 5:26–30. Isaiah describes our day

Elder LeGrand Richards of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles suggested how the symbols in Isaiah 5:26–29 can be understood in relation to the gathering of Israel in our day:

“In fixing the time of the great gathering, Isaiah seemed to indicate that it would take place in the day of the railroad train and the airplane. …

“Since there were neither trains nor airplanes in that day, Isaiah could hardly have mentioned them by name. However, he seems to have described them in unmistakable words. How better could ‘their horses’ hoofs be counted like flint, and their wheels like a whirlwind’ than in the modern train? How better could ‘their roaring … be like a lion’ than in the roar of the airplane? Trains and airplanes do not stop for night. Therefore, was not Isaiah justified in saying: ‘none shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken’? With this manner of transportation the Lord can really ‘hiss unto them from the end of the earth,’ that ‘they shall come with speed swiftly.’ Indicating that Isaiah must have foreseen the airplane, he stated: ‘Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?’ (Isaiah 60:8.)” (Israel! Do You Know? [1954], 182).

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