Monday, October 24, 2016

devo topic ideas/golden snitch seeker idea/snowball/find a friend/cubing-dice- idea/Duck, Duck, Goose/marshmallow DM

On a facebook group for seminary teachers ideas are posted that I don't want to forget or misplace. Here are a few of the ideas that I would like to use:

Devotional Topics:
Monthly devotional topics for the students:
Sept: Introduce a DM verse, choose something from your assigned verse that stands out to you. Mark as a class.
Oct: General Conference- Devotional based on you assigned Apostle's conference talk.
Nov. I am thankful for... have a scripture to back up what you are grateful for.
Dec. Christ Centered Christmas
Jan: Personal Parable: Present a gospel centered parable based on the 'item' you chose. 

 Feb: Missionary Moments
March: Favorite Hymn/Scriptures that reference it.
April: General Conference, choose new apostles
May: DM review and sharing

Seeker Idea/Golden Snitch:
 Today we talked about what it means to "seek". Compared to Harry Potter who was chosen to be the "seeker" in the game of Quidditch. Talked about traits of a seeker- must have a quick keen eye, most fouled player on team. We are seekers of truth. We need to have a keen eye to discern truth. As we do this we are often fouled by the adversary trying to knock us off of our course (spiritual brooms). We are seeking the golden snitch- parallel to obtaining a testimony, exaltation, eternal life. Everyone in class got to take home a golden snitch.

  A small group makes a decision, then bigger and bigger groups meet up until the whole class makes a decision together:
I gave them 10 minutes to read the entire chapter individually. Each person picks the 2 best verses or principles that apply to them, and I also had them pick the 2 best to apply to missionaries.
Then they form up into groups of 2 people. They narrow it down to the best 2 verses/principles of the 4 total they had for applying to them, and the 2 best for missionaries.
Then 2 groups of 2 meet up and they again narrow their list down to the best 2 ideas. After a few rounds, the whole class comes together and you have discussed applying a lot of scriptures, and you have picked an amazing couple of scriptures. Give it a try!

Find a friend:
 I needed to combine a few lessons, and so I went through the lessons and wrote down the sections heading. For example in Lesson #48 Luke 8-9, "Luke 8:1-9:56 (scripture reference) - The savior performs miracles, teaches using parables, and journeys to Jerusalem" (explanation). I then put the scripture reference on one 3x5 card and the explanation on another 3x5 card. I then handed out the 3x5 cards to the students and told them that they were going to "find a friend". So if they had the scripture reference card, they read their reference and then asked around until they found their "friend" that had the explanation. The student with the explanation card would search the chapter headings within the lessons we were covering, to find their scripture reference and then go on the hunt for their "friend". Once the friends had found each other, they discussed that their scripture passage was about and then shared what they had learned with the rest of the class. I liked seeing everyone participating and in their scriptures and then discussing with each other what their assigned card said to find their friend.

DM Cube/dice Idea:
There are 6 sides to a cube. So you discuss a principle/scripture in 6 ways:
Describe it/draw it,
Compare it,
Associate it (what does it make you think of?),
Cluster it (use index and footnotes),
Apply it ( what situation would this be helpful)
Argue it ( give a convincing argument for or against.)

Pick six DM scriptures. Have the students roll two dice one to pick the scripture and one to decide how they will study the scripture.

1 Draw it! (Pictionary on CB or wipe off board) Any DM scripture or DM topic.
2 Cluster it! Read any DM your choice along with the footnote.
3 Explain it! Pick any DM scripture and explain what you believe it means then have students share their ideas too.
4 Read it! Read any DM scripture out loud
5 Your choice! Do any one of the #
6 Relate it! How does this scripture principle affect you/us. 

DM Duck, Duck, Goose:
This morning I introduced a new game called Doctrine, Doctrine, MASTERY! It is just like Duck, Duck, GOOSE, only this version says that whoever ends up in the middle has to comment on what stood out to them from the paragraph or scripture verse that was read before they got into the middle. Once they complete this task, they then read the next paragraph or verse out loud while everyone in the circle follows along while sitting in a circle on the floor. In their minds they each come up with what impresses them about the reading and how it applies, and then the person who read it starts around the circle, tapping each person's head, saying Doctrine with each tap until they shout Mastery and run around the circle while the last person tapped chases them. Whoever ends up in the middle has to share what impressed them from the last reading, then read out loud the next reading while the others follow along. Then keep repeating until they are all awake.

Marshmallow DM:
 Marshmallow Madness - every kid has a headband and you put a index card in their band and with a DM keyword on it so that the other kids can see it, but each student can't see their own. Call out a reference, everyone finds the scripture in their scriptures, looks for the kid with the corresponding key word and throws a marshmallow at them.

Musical Chairs DM:
Musical chairs, but instead of music just recite one of the scriptures and stop in the middle. The person left without a chair can tell the scripture reference to stay in the game, or else he is out.

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