Sunday, April 30, 2017

Lesson 149 2 John-3 John

Lesson 149: 2 John–3 John
LOOK for a principle in 2 John that can help you preserve the blessings you have obtained as Church members.
I. 2 John  John warns about people who teach false doctrine
---Name a well-known athlete who is familiar to most students.
  • What might this athlete do to stay in peak health to perform well?
  • What could happen if this athlete, after working hard to get in shape, stopped going to the gym and began eating junk food, watching a lot of TV, playing video games, and taking substances that are harmful to the body?
---CONSIDER how the work that successful athletes must do to preserve their peak physical condition can be compared to the work that Church members must do to preserve the blessings they have obtained through the gospel. 
---In 2 John 1:1–4 the Apostle John began his epistle by addressing “the elect lady and her children,” which may have been either a direct address to a female Church member and her children or symbolic language to describe a Church congregation.
---READ 2 John 1:5–6 looking for the commandment that John reminded the Saints about.
What commandment did John remind the Saints about?
---READ 2 John 1:7 and look for why John counseled Church members to “walk after” (2 John 1:6), or obey, the commandments.
  • Why did John counsel Church members to obey the commandments?
  • What were the “deceivers” (verse 7) teaching?
1---When John wrote this epistle, a philosophy known as Docetism was gaining popularity. Docetists believed that God was so exalted that He was above suffering, death, or any other mortal experience. Therefore, they concluded that Jesus Christ as the Son of God did not actually come in the flesh but that His spirit only seemed to do things that a mortal would do or experience.
  • What are some examples of false teachings in our day that contradict the truths of the gospel?
  • Why are these teachings spiritually dangerous?
---READ 2 John 1:8 looking for what John counseled Church members to do in light of these false teachings. To “look to yourselves” means to be watchful or careful not to adopt false teachings and that wrought can mean performed or acquired (see 2 John 1:8, footnote a).
  • What principle can we learn from John’s teachings in verses 6–8 about how we can continue to enjoy the gospel blessings we have received? (~As we keep the commandments and are watchful, we can continue to enjoy the gospel blessings we have received. BOARD.)
---WRITE in your class notebooks a list of gospel blessings you have already received or hope to receive. SHARE. BOARD.
  • How could adopting false teachings prevent us from obtaining and continuing to enjoy these gospel blessings?
---READ 2 John 1:9 looking for what John taught would happen to those who abide in the doctrine of Christ, or remain close to and endure in the gospel.
  • What do those who abide in the doctrine of Christ have with them? (BOARD: If we abide in the doctrine of Christ, we will have the Father and the Son with us.)
---One way we have the Father and the Son with us is through the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
---PONDER your efforts to keep the commandments, to be watchful, and to abide in the gospel. WRITE down why you want to preserve the blessings you have received through the gospel and one thing you will do today to be more faithful and consistent in keeping the commandments.
------In 2 John 1:10–13 John encouraged the Saints to avoid people who spread false doctrine. He also expressed his desire to personally visit the Saints he was writing to.
II. 3 John  John praises Gaius for his faithfulness
Bring to class a small pebble and a large bowl full of water.
---Can you drop the pebble into the water without making any ripples?
  • Why is it impossible for the water to remain unchanged by the pebble?
  • Who else besides yourself can be positively affected by your choice to live the gospel?
---As recorded in 3 John, John addressed a faithful member of the Church named Gaius.
---READ 3 John 1:1–4 looking for how John was affected by Gaius’s faithfulness in living the gospel. Children in verse 4 may refer to Church members whom John had helped convert to the gospel.
  • How was John affected by Gaius’s faithfulness in living the gospel?
  • How would you summarize a truth from these verses about how living the gospel can affect ourselves and others? (~Living the gospel brings joy not only to ourselves but to others.)
  • When have you experienced joy because someone else faithfully lived the gospel?
3 John 1:5–10. Church members should sustain all servants of the Lord
---THINK of a time when you heard a speaker in general conference or heard from a visiting authority or missionary whom you were not familiar with. Sometimes we may be tempted to treat Church leaders or teachers with less deference, or respect, if we do not know them well.
---READ 3 John 1:5–8 looking for what Gaius was doing that pleased John. The words brethren and strangers in verse 5 refer to traveling teachers or missionaries whom Gaius was not familiar with.
  • What was Gaius doing that pleased John? (He showed charity and helped the traveling teachers or missionaries.)
  • What did John say all Church members ought to do? (Receive servants of the Lord, even those whom we may not be familiar with.)
---READ 3 John 1:9–10 and look for who displeased John.
  • Who displeased John? Why? (Diotrephes, a local Church leader, was in rebellion and personal apostasy. He spoke maliciously about John and his companions, would not receive them, and cast out of the Church any Church members who would receive them.)
3 John 1:9–10. “Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, received us not”
2-Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained who Diotrephes was and what he did:
“Here is Diotrephes, a local church officer of prominence and influence: (1) Who refuses to permit the doctrine and instructions of a member of the First Presidency of the Church to be read in his congregation; (2) Who preaches against the apostolic heads of the Church; (3) Who refuses to receive the church representatives sent to him; (4) Who refuses to let others in the congregation care for or give heed to the church authorities; and (5) Who casts out (apparently excommunicates) worthy members of the Church” (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3 vols. [1965–73], 3:413–14).
  • What truth can we learn from the good example of Gaius and the poor example of Diotrephes? (~Church members ought to receive and sustain all servants of the Lord.)
  • In what ways can we “receive” servants of the Lord? (Listen to them, pray for them, sustain them in their responsibilities, speak well of them, and apply what they teach in our lives.)
---In 3 John 1:5–14  John praised Gaius for his willingness to receive traveling Church leaders or missionaries, and he criticized a local leader named Diotrephes, who did not receive John and his companions.
---REVIEW the truths identified in this lesson. TESTIFY of these truths, and invite students to APPLY them in their lives.

1- When John wrote this epistle, a philosophy known as Docetism was gaining popularity. Docetists believed that God was so exalted that He was above suffering, death, or any other mortal experience. Therefore, they concluded that Jesus Christ as the Son of God did not actually come in the flesh but that His spirit only seemed to do things that a mortal would do or experience.

2-Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained who Diotrephes was and what he did:
“Here is Diotrephes, a local church officer of prominence and influence: (1) Who refuses to permit the doctrine and instructions of a member of the First Presidency of the Church to be read in his congregation; (2) Who preaches against the apostolic heads of the Church; (3) Who refuses to receive the church representatives sent to him; (4) Who refuses to let others in the congregation care for or give heed to the church authorities; and (5) Who casts out (apparently excommunicates) worthy members of the Church” (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3 vols. [1965–73], 3:413–14).

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