Sunday, May 8, 2016

lesson 157 Zechariah 9-14

finish lesson 156, then:

Lesson 157: Zechariah 9–14

I.  Zechariah 9–11  Zechariah prophesies that the Messiah will come to Jerusalem and be rejected by His people

Note: Before class, place a small picture of Jesus Christ somewhere in the classroom where it is visible but not obvious for later use.

---Display the picture Triumphal Entry ---Notice the emotions that are depicted on the people’s faces.
---Why do you think the people in this picture are rejoicing?

---The picture shows an event called the triumphal entry. When Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem, He fulfilled a prophecy given by the prophet Zechariah hundreds of years earlier.

---Zechariah 9:9 discusses Jesus Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem and is one of the most widely quoted prophecies about the Messiah in the Bible. Provide context for this passage by explaining that as recorded in Zechariah 9:1–8, Zechariah prophesied of a time when Jerusalem would be threatened and the people would seek the Lord’s help to be delivered from opposing nations.

---Read Zechariah 9:9 aloud looking for the reason the people of Jerusalem rejoiced during Jesus Christ’s triumphal entry.
---Why did the people of Jerusalem rejoice?

---In New Testament times, “many Jews were looking only for a deliverer from the Roman power and for a greater national prosperity.” When Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem, many Jews cheered for Him as a messiah, or a political deliverer, not necessarily the Messiah, who would bring them eternal salvation. The title Messiah means “the anointed Prophet, Priest, King, and Deliverer whose coming the Jews were eagerly expecting” (Guide to the Scriptures, “Messiah”;
---What might have been significant about Jesus Christ entering Jerusalem riding a donkey rather than a large, majestic horse?

---Although some people believed that Jesus Christ was the Messiah, many were disappointed that He did not overthrow the Roman rule. Some of the Jewish leaders envied Him and rejected Him as both a messiah and the Messiah, so they plotted His death. They persuaded the multitude at Pilate’s court to demand that Barabbas be released instead of Jesus Christ, which resulted in the Savior’s Crucifixion (see Matthew 27:17–20).

---Raise your hand if you have noticed the other picture of the Savior I placed in the room.
---See whether they can find it. (ask a student to point it out if needed)
---Why did some of you not notice the picture?
---Why might some people today not find Jesus Christ and His gospel?

---Read Zechariah 9:10–12 aloud looking for what the Lord would do for individuals described in these verses as “the heathen” (people who do not believe in Him) and “prisoners.”

---Consider the extent of Jesus Christ’s power to save. (Remember that Jesus Christ can save and free not only those who are bound by sin in mortality but also those who are bound in the spirit world.)
---According to verse 10, what will the Lord do for “the heathen”?
---In what ways might Jesus Christ speak or bring peace to “the heathen”?
---According to verse 11, what makes it possible for the prisoners to be freed?

---Read this statement by Elder Bruce R. McConkie:
“‘By the blood of thy covenant’—that is, because of the gospel covenant, which is efficacious because of the shedding of the blood of Christ—‘I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water.’ (Zech. 9:11–16.) ‘Wherein is no water’—how aptly and succinctly this crystallizes the thought that the saving water, which is baptism, is an earthly ordinance and cannot be performed by spirit beings while they dwell in the spirit world” (The Promised Messiah: The First Coming of Christ [1978], 241).
---What are the prisoners delivered from?
---What makes their deliverance possible?
---In your own words, how would you summarize the truth we learn from Zechariah 9:11?
Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, salvation is available to all mankind, and those who have died without having been baptized can be freed from spirit prison.

---Read this statement by Elder D. Todd Christofferson:

While yet in life, Jesus prophesied that He would also preach to the dead. Peter tells us this happened in the interval between the Savior’s Crucifixion and Resurrection (see 1 Peter 3:18–19). President Joseph F. Smith … witnessed in vision that the Savior visited the spirit world and ‘from among the righteous [spirits], he organized his forces and appointed messengers, clothed with power and authority, and commissioned them to go forth and carry the light of the gospel to them that were in darkness. …

“‘These were taught faith in God, repentance from sin, vicarious baptism for the remission of sins, [and] the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands’ (D&C 138:30, 33). …

“… Jesus Christ is the divine Redeemer of all mankind. His grace and promises reach even those who in life do not find Him. Because of Him, the prisoners shall indeed go free” (“Why Do We Baptize for the Dead?” New Era, Mar. 2009, 2, 5).

---How can we help our deceased ancestors receive the ordinances necessary for salvation?
---What feelings have you had as you have performed family history and temple work?

VIDEO CLIP: Will I Do My Part? (2:43)
Elder Enrique R. Falabella of the Seventy teaches that the key to freeing our ancestors from spirit prison is in our hands

---In Zechariah 10–11  Zechariah prophesied that the Lord’s people would be scattered and then gathered in the last days. Zechariah also prophesied that the Messiah would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver (see Zechariah 11:12). This prophecy refers to the Apostle Judas’s betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver during the final week of the Savior’s mortal life (see Matthew 26:14–16). Zechariah also saw that as part of this betrayal, Jesus Christ would be smitten and His followers would be scattered (see Zechariah 13:7; Matthew 26:31).

II. Zechariah 12–14  Jesus Christ will deliver Jerusalem from the nations that will gather to fight against it

---After prophesying about the Lord’s mortal ministry, Zechariah prophesied about the Second Coming.
---In what ways will the Second Coming of Jesus Christ be different from His mortal ministry?

---Zechariah 12 records Zechariah’s prophecy of a great battle (the battle of Armageddon) that will precede the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

---Read Zechariah 12:2–3 aloud looking for whom all nations would gather against in this battle.
---Whom would all nations gather against in this battle?

---Read Zechariah 12:8–9 aloud looking for what the Lord will do for the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
---What will the Lord do for the people of Jerusalem?

---In Zechariah 12:10–14:5 Zechariah described other significant events that are part of this battle.

---Read Zechariah 14:2 looking for what will happen to the inhabitants of Jerusalem before they are delivered.
---Invite students to report what they find.

---Read Zechariah 14:3–5  looking for what will happen that will allow the people of Jerusalem to be delivered.
---What will Jesus Christ do to deliver His people?

---Read Zechariah 13:6 looking for what the Jews will notice about Jesus Christ’s appearance.
---What will the Jews notice about Jesus Christ’s appearance when He comes to deliver them from their enemies?

---Modern revelation confirms and clarifies this prophecy.

---Read Doctrine and Covenants 45:51–52 looking for what the Jews will realize about Jesus Christ.
---What will the Jews realize at the Second Coming? (
At the Second Coming, the Jews at Jerusalem will recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
---What do you think this moment will be like for the Jews?
---Read Zechariah 12:10 aloud looking for what the Jews will do when they realize that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. The word pierced refers to the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ (see John 19:37).
---What will the Jews do when they realize that Jesus Christ is the Messiah?
---Why do you think the Jews will mourn?

---Divide students into pairs.
---Ask them to read Zechariah 14:6–9 together, looking for events that will take place as part of the Lord’s Second Coming.
---What do we learn about Jesus Christ in verse 9?
Jesus Christ will be King over all the earth.

---Zechariah 14:10–19 says that the battle will end, many of those who have fought against Jerusalem will be destroyed, and those who remain will “worship the King, the Lord of hosts” (verse 16) or suffer droughts and plagues.
---How can we benefit now from knowing that one day Jesus Christ will reign over all the earth?

---Testify that Jesus Christ will one day return to the earth and all people will honor Him as their King.

---Ponder what you can do to prepare for the time when the Savior comes again. Follow any promptings you receive from the Holy Ghost.

Commentary and Background Information
Zechariah 9:9. “Thy King cometh … riding upon an ass”

This verse is one of the most widely quoted prophecies about the Messiah in the Bible. Elder James E. Talmage of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles wrote about the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem:

“That the occasion was no accidental or fortuitous happening, of which [the Lord] took advantage without preconceived intention, is evident. He knew beforehand what would be, and what He would do. It was no meaningless pageantry; but the actual advent of the King into His royal city, and His entry into the temple, the house of the King of kings. He came riding on an ass, in token of peace, … not on a caparisoned steed [a horse decorated for war] with the panoply [full armor] of combat and the accompaniment of bugle blasts and fanfare of trumpets. … The ass has been designated in literature as ‘the ancient symbol of Jewish royalty,’ and one riding upon an ass as the type of peaceful progress” (Jesus the Christ, 3rd ed. [1916], 516–17).

Zechariah 9:10. “He shall speak peace unto the heathen”

In this verse, “the heathen” refers to those who were not numbered among the covenant people of the Lord. The term Gentiles is often used to refer to this group of people. This prophecy was partially fulfilled when the Lord revealed to the Apostle Peter through a vision that the time had come to “speak peace unto the heathen” or begin preaching to people who were not descendants of Israel.

Zechariah 11:7–14. “Thirty pieces of silver”

Speaking of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, Zechariah recorded the words of the Lord declaring the treachery and betrayal of His people. They rejected Jehovah as their shepherd and protector. As a result, they forfeited the blessings that come from maintaining a covenant relationship with Him. Jehovah spoke of two staffs to represent this covenant relationship. One represented the “Beauty” (Zechariah 11:7, 10) of the promises extended to them as His covenant and chosen people. The other represented the “Bands” (Zechariah 11:7, 14) of brotherhood between the nations of Judah and Israel. The people rejected Him by paying Him 30 pieces of silver in exchange for terminating His service as their protector. The Lord then symbolically cut both staffs in half, symbolizing that the people would no longer enjoy the blessings of a covenant relationship with Him. This prophecy refers to the Apostle Judas’s betrayal of Jesus to the chief priests for 30 pieces of silver during the final week of the Savior’s mortal life.

Zechariah 14:3–9. The Second Coming

Zechariah prophesied that at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the dead will be resurrected, and all the saints (or all the righteous, both the living and those who have been resurrected) will join the Lord in heaven and descend with Him (see Zechariah 14:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:14; D&C 88:96–97). In the evening of the day that He comes, “it shall be light” (Zechariah 14:7), as it was in the Americas on the night before the Savior’s birth (see 3 Nephi 1:13–15). Zechariah also confirmed that Ezekiel’s vision of waters that flowed from the temple was not solely symbolic. He recorded that “living waters” would flow from Jerusalem and heal the Dead Sea (Zechariah 14:8; see Ezekiel 47:1–12).

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