Thursday, October 29, 2015

Lesson 66 & 67 Numbers 22-36 Tues 11-24

Lesson 66: Numbers 22–29

Old Testament Seminary Teacher Manual, 2014


After the Israelites defeated the Amorites, the king of Moab (Balak) was afraid the Israelites would destroy his nation as well. Balak asked a prophet named Balaam to curse the Israelites. However, the Lord directed Balaam not to curse the Israelites, so Balaam blessed them instead. Later, Balaam disobeyed the Lord and taught Balak that he could weaken the Israelites by enticing them to commit sin. The Israelites who committed serious sin and turned from the Lord were slain. The Lord then instructed Moses to set Joshua apart to lead Israel.

Suggestions for Teaching

Numbers 22

Balak offers riches and popularity to Balaam if he will curse the Israelites

Before class, place a picture of the Savior at the front of the room. Then position two long pieces of tape about three feet apart and parallel to each other on the floor (so they look like a path that leads to the picture of the Savior).
Begin class by pointing out the picture and the pieces of tape. Explain that the space between the pieces of tape represents the path back to God. Invite a student to stand on the path. Explain that this student represents all of us as we seek to return to God. Then ask the following questions (you may want to write these questions on the board before class):
  • What tactics does Satan use to entice us to get off the path that leads back to God?
  • What are some practices that would help us stay on the path back to God?
Ask the student to return to his or her seat. Invite the class to look for principles that will help them answer these questions as they study Numbers 22–25.
Summarize Numbers 22:1–6 by explaining that after the Israelites defeated the Amorites, the king of Moab (Balak) was afraid of the Israelites. Balak decided to ask a prophet named Balaam to curse the Israelites. Invite students to read Numbers 22:6 silently and look for why Balak asked Balaam to curse the Israelites. Invite them to report what they find.
Invite a student to read Numbers 22:7 aloud. Ask the class to follow along and look for how Balak tried to convince Balaam to curse the Israelites. (You may need to explain that “the rewards of divination” refers to at least a portion of the payment the king had prepared for Balaam.)
Summarize Numbers 22:8–11 by explaining that after the leaders of Moab and Midian had delivered Balak’s message, the Lord came to Balaam and spoke to him.
Invite students to read Numbers 22:12–13 silently, looking for what God told Balaam not to do.
  • What did God tell Balaam not to do?
  • According to verse 13, how did Balaam respond to the leaders Balak had sent?
Invite a student to read Numbers 22:15–17 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what King Balak did after Balaam refused his offer.
  • According to verse 15, whom did King Balak send to deliver his message to Balaam?
  • What did King Balak offer Balaam?
  • What truths about how the adversary entices us to sin can we learn from the methods Balak used to entice Balaam to disobey the Lord? (Students may identify a variety of principles, but make sure it is clear that the adversary sometimes uses promises of riches, popularity, and worldly status to entice us to commit sin.)
To help students understand this truth, ask them what unrighteous actions they have seen people do or heard of people doing to gain riches, popularity, or other things that may lead to pleasure. You may want to list their comments on the board.
  • How might the adversary use riches or popularity to distract youth from missionary service? How might riches or popularity distract someone from getting married or having children? (Consider asking additional questions that may be relevant.)
Invite a student to read Numbers 22:18–22 aloud. Ask the class to follow along and look for how Balaam responded to Balak’s second offer.
  • How did Balaam respond?
  • Why do you think Balaam sought the Lord’s counsel a second time after having already received instruction not to go with Balak’s men?
Explain that the Joseph Smith Translation changes the phrase “rise up, and go with them” in Numbers 22:20 to “rise up, if thou wilt go with them” (italics added). In other words, God was making Balaam responsible for the decision whether to follow God or to go with the princes of Moab.
Point out the phrase “God’s anger was kindled because he went” in verse 22.
  • Why do you think God was angry when Balaam went with the princes of Moab?
Divide students into small groups. Ask them to read Numbers 22:22–34 together, looking for what happened to Balaam because he ignored God’s instructions and warnings and went with King Balak’s men. After sufficient time, ask students to explain what happened to Balaam.
  • What can we learn from Balaam’s experience about what can happen to us when we ignore the Lord’s instructions and warnings? (As students share the principles they have identified, emphasize the following truth: We put ourselves in danger when we ignore the Lord’s instructions and warnings. Consider writing this principle on the board.)
Remind students of the tape on the floor representing the straight and narrow path that we must follow to return to Heavenly Father. Invite students to write in their class notebooks or scripture study journals a few ways they can avoid danger and have the spiritual strength to stay on the straight path that leads back to Heavenly Father. Invite a few students who are willing to share what they wrote.
  • How do you think Balaam put himself in danger by ignoring the Lord’s warning? What possible danger could come to others because of Balaam’s disobedience?
Ask students to think about situations when the Lord gave a warning to them or someone they know. Invite them to ponder what happened when they or the person they know either ignored the warning or obeyed it. You might consider sharing an experience or inviting a few students to share one.
Encourage students to exercise their faith to obey instructions and warnings from the Lord so they can avoid putting themselves in danger.
Summarize Numbers 22:35–41 by explaining that the angel told Balaam he could continue his journey to see Balak but was to speak only the words the Lord told him to speak. When Balaam arrived in Balak’s kingdom, the king again promised Balaam wealth and popularity if he would curse Israel. The next day Balak took Balaam to see the encampment of the children of Israel.

Numbers 23–24

Balaam blesses Israel and prophesies of the coming of the Savior

Summarize Numbers 23 by explaining that King Balak asked Balaam to curse the Israelites, but Balaam blessed them instead.
Invite a student to read Numbers 24:10–13 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for how King Balak responded after Balaam blessed the children of Israel.
  • What did King Balak say Balaam had lost because he had chosen to obey the Lord?
  • How is King Balak’s response similar to what Satan does to tempt us?
  • According to verses 12–13, how did Balaam respond to King Balak?
Summarize Numbers 24:14–25 by explaining that before Balaam left King Balak, Balaam prophesied that the children of Israel would eventually rule over the Moabites. He also prophesied that the Savior would one day come from the house of Israel.

Numbers 25

Israelites who commit serious sins are slain

Ask students if they have ever read a story that had a surprise ending. Invite a few students to share examples with the class. Explain that the account of Balaam and King Balak has an unanticipated ending. Ask students to explain how they think the account might end.
Invite a student to read Numbers 25:1–3 aloud. Ask the class to follow along and look for what happened when the children of Israel came to Moab, Balak’s kingdom. (To help students understand verse 3, point out footnote a and explain that Israel gathered with the people of Moab at a place called Peor to worship a false god.)
  • What did some of the Israelites do when they came to Moab?
Invite a student to read Revelation 2:14 aloud. Explain that this verse adds detail about Balaam’s interactions with King Balak. Ask the class to follow along and look for an insight into what happened to bring about the events described in Numbers 25:1–3.
  • According to this passage in Revelation, what did Balaam teach Balak to do? Is this how you expected this account to end? Why or why not?
  • Why would worshipping false gods and committing sexual sin be a stumbling block for the Israelites?
  • What principles can we learn from this account about how sin affects us? (Students may use different words, but make sure they identify the following principle: Sin stops us from progressing spiritually and causes us to lose God’s protection and power. Write this truth on the board.)
Explain that King Balak enticed the Israelites to commit sin because he knew that without the Lord’s power they would not be able to successfully conquer his kingdom.
  • How is this similar to Satan’s tactics?
Ask students to ponder what behaviors or attitudes may be stumbling blocks in their lives right now. Testify that if they have left the straight and narrow path and stumbled over sin, they can repent and return to the path. Invite students to write in their class notebooks or scripture study journals how the truth written on the board can help them stay on the path that leads back to their Heavenly Father.
Summarize Numbers 25:4–18 by explaining that the Lord instructed Moses that the children of Israel who had turned to idol worship were to be slain.

Numbers 26–29

The children of Israel are numbered again, and Moses sets Joshua apart to lead Israel

Summarize Numbers 26–29 by explaining that the men of Israel who were at least 20 years old were numbered again. Only Caleb and Joshua remained from the group of men who had been numbered at Sinai. Moses was told that he would not enter the promised land (see Numbers 27:12–14; see also Deuteronomy 3:26–29; 4:21; 32:48–52; D&C 84:23–25). The Lord directed Moses to call Joshua and set him apart to lead Israel. You may want to suggest that students mark Numbers 27:18–20, which describes how Moses set Joshua apart.
Conclude by sharing your testimony of the truths taught in today’s lesson. Encourage students to apply what they have learned so they can remain on the path that will lead them back to their Heavenly Father.

Commentary and Background Information

Numbers 22:5–6. Who was Balaam?

Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles commented on the account of Balaam in the article “The Story of a Prophet’s Madness” (New Era, Apr. 1972, 4–7). Elder McConkie discussed how, in this true account, a righteous man tried to serve both the God of heaven and his lust for wealth and the honors of men. In the end, the prophet Balaam lost his soul because he set his heart on the things of this world rather than the riches of eternity.

Numbers 22:28. “And the Lord opened the mouth of the ass”

“The rebuke received by Balaam from an animal wrought upon by the Spirit of God is a singular event in history. Speculation on how the deed was accomplished is useless. It is certain that the beast spoke in a way understandable to Balaam. Other scriptures indicate that when animals are filled with the divine Spirit and celestialized, they will be able to express themselves in ways presently denied them (see Revelation 4:6, 9D&C 77:2–4). Balaam is not recorded as showing surprise at this phenomenon, which circumstance has led some to suggest that Balaam’s mind was troubled because of his attempt to serve both God and mammon. Had he been more thoughtful, the unusual behavior of his otherwise obedient mount would have caused him to look about to discover the trouble. Then perchance he would have discovered the angel’s presence” (Old Testament Student Manual: Genesis–2 Samuel, 3rd ed. [Church Educational System manual, 2003], 209–10).

Numbers 24:17. “Star out of Jacob”

Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained the importance of the Savior being the “Star out of Jacob”:
“‘In figurative language, the spirit hosts in pre-existence are referred to as the stars of heaven.’ (Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed., pp. 765–66.) The morning stars who joined with all the sons of God when the foundations of the earth were laid were the noble and preeminent spirits. As the Star who came out of Jacob, Christ is thus the most outstanding one of all the hosts of that unnumbered house” (The Promised Messiah: The First Coming of Christ [1978], 182).


Lesson 67: Numbers 30–36

Old Testament Seminary Teacher Manual, 2014


Moses taught Israelite leaders concerning vows. The Lord commanded the Israelites to go to war against the Midianites, and none of the Israelite soldiers were lost. After this war, Moses instructed the Israelites concerning land inheritances and cities of refuge.

Suggestions for Teaching

Numbers 30–31

Moses instructs Israelite leaders about vows, and an Israelite army destroys the Midianites

Before class, write the following question on the board:
What blessings have you received that are so great, you feel you could never repay Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?
Ask students to write their answers to this question on the board. (Answers might include the earth, their bodies, their families, the plan of salvation, and the Atonement of Jesus Christ.) You may want to invite a few students to explain their answers to the class.
Invite students, as they study Numbers 30–31, to look for truths that can help them know how they can better express gratitude for their blessings.
Summarize Numbers 30 by explaining that Moses taught Israelite leaders the Lord’s standard for keeping promises, vows, and oaths. He also taught how an individual could be released from a vow or have the vow cancelled.
To provide context for Numbers 31, remind students that by acting on the counsel of Balaam (see Revelation 2:14), the Moabites and Midianites led many Israelites to worship false gods and engage in sexual immorality. The Israelites who did these things were slain (see Numbers 25).
Invite a student to read Numbers 31:1–4 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what the Lord directed the Israelites to do to the Midianites.
  • What did the Lord direct the Israelites to do?
You may want to explain that the phrase “avenge the Lord of Midian” in verse 3 means that the Israelites were commanded to carry out the Lord’s judgment on the Midianites for their wickedness in influencing the Israelites to sin.
Summarize Numbers 31:6–47 by explaining that the Israelites succeeded in this war and took the Midianites’ possessions. Balaam, who was living among the Midianites, was killed in a battle.
Ask students to read Numbers 31:48–49 silently, looking for how many Israelite soldiers died in this war.
  • How many Israelite soldiers died in this war with the Midianites? (You may need to point out that “there lacketh not one man of us” means that no one was killed.)
Point out that having one’s life spared is a blessing that fits with those that students wrote on the board. It was beyond the Israelites’ ability to repay the Lord for this blessing, and yet they still wanted to express their gratitude.
Invite a student to read Numbers 31:50 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what the officers of the army of Israel brought to Moses to show their gratitude.
  • What did the officers of the army of Israel bring to Moses?
You may need to explain that an oblation is something given as an offering or gift to the Lord.
Explain that the phrase “to make an atonement for our souls” (Numbers 31:50) means that by making their offering, the officers were trying to reconcile the debt they felt they owed the Lord for sparing their lives. Although no payment could adequately repay the Lord, their offering showed that they acknowledged and were grateful for His blessings of protection.
  • What can we learn from the example of these Israelites about showing gratitude to the Lord for His blessings? (Students may use different words, but make sure they identify the following principle: We can show our gratitude for the Lord’s blessings by making offerings to Him. Consider writing this principle on the board.)
  • What are some offerings or gifts we can give to the Lord to show our gratitude for His blessings in our lives?
  • When have you sought to show your gratitude to the Lord through your actions? What feelings did you have as you gave that offering to the Lord?
Invite students to record in their class notebooks or scripture study journals an offering they feel they can give the Lord to show their gratitude for blessings He has given them. Encourage them to act on what they have written.
Summarize Numbers 31:51–54 by explaining that Moses and Eleazar the priest brought the officers’ offerings into the tabernacle as “a memorial for the children of Israel before the Lord” (Numbers 31:54).

Numbers 32

Reuben, Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh receive their inheritance east of the Jordan River

To prepare students to study Numbers 32, spread a blanket or tarp on the floor. Invite several students to stand on the blanket. (Do not invite more students to participate than can fit comfortably on one half of the blanket.) Tell the students that their task is to work together to turn the blanket all the way over onto its other side. As they perform this task they must remain on the blanket and cannot step off of it onto the floor. After students have completed the activity, ask the class the following questions:
  • What are some things we can learn from this activity about working together and helping one another?
  • What are some situations in which Heavenly Father asks us to work together or help one another?
Invite students to look for truths as they study Numbers 32 that can guide them as they work with others to accomplish what Heavenly Father has asked them to do.
To help students understand the context of Numbers 32, explain that the tribes of Israel were camped in the plains of Moab on the east side of the Jordan River and were preparing to enter the promised land. (You may want to invite students to locate the plains of Moab on Bible Map no. 1, “Physical Map of the Holy Land.”)
Invite a student to read Numbers 32:1, 5 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what the tribes of Reuben and Gad asked Moses.
  • What did the tribes of Reuben and Gad ask Moses?
You may want to invite students to locate the land of Gilead on Bible Map no. 1. Explain that Jazer was near Gilead, just south of the Jabbok River.
  • Why did they want to possess the lands of Gilead and Jazer?
Point out that in addition to being good grazing lands, the lands of Gilead and Jazer had already been conquered by the Israelites (see Numbers 21:31–35). In contrast, the lands west of the Jordan River still needed to be conquered and claimed from people who were hostile to the Israelites.
Invite a student to read Numbers 32:6–7 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for how Moses responded to the request from the tribes of Reuben and Gad.
  • What was Moses’s concern? (If the tribes of Reuben and Gad were given their inheritances at that time, they might not go to battle to help the rest of the tribes obtain their lands. Moses worried that the rest of the tribes might be discouraged from entering the promised land if they had to battle for their inheritances with a smaller army.)
Summarize Numbers 32:8–13 by explaining that Moses reminded the tribes of Reuben and Gad of the previous time when Israel failed to enter the promised land and the people had to wander in the wilderness for 40 years.
Invite a student to read Numbers 32:14–15 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what Moses warned would happen if the tribes of Reuben and Gad discouraged the other tribes from entering the promised land on this occasion.
  • What did Moses warn?
  • Why do you think it would be a sin for the tribes of Reuben and Gad not to help the other tribes inherit their portions of the promised land? (You may want to remind students that the other tribes had helped conquer the lands that the tribes of Reuben and Gad sought to inherit.)
Point out that Israel’s efforts to inherit the promised land can be compared to our efforts to receive the Lord’s blessings.
  • What can we learn from Moses’s warning in verses 14–15 about our responsibility to help others? (Students may use different words, but make sure they identify the following truth: The Lord holds us responsible to help others receive His blessings.)
Invite a student to read Numbers 32:16–19 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what the tribes of Reuben and Gad offered to do.
  • What did the tribes of Reuben and Gad offer?
  • How might the pledge of support from Reuben and Gad have helped to strengthen Israel? (A united Israel would be stronger against its enemies than a divided Israel.)
Invite a student to read Numbers 32:20–22 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for how Moses responded to this suggestion. (You may want to suggest that students mark the words if and then in this passage.)
  • What did Moses say would be the result if the tribes of Reuben and Gad helped the other tribes conquer their lands?
  • What does this teach us about choosing to help others obtain the Lord’s blessings? (Students may use different words, but make sure they identify the following principle: If we help others obtain the Lord’s blessings, then we are blessed as well. Using students’ words, write this principle on the board.)
  • What are some of the Lord’s blessings that we are responsible to help others obtain?
To help students further understand and feel the truth and importance of the truths they have identified, assign them to work in small groups. Give each group a copy of one of the handouts below. Ask them to discuss their answers and be prepared to report to the class.
    Handout 1
  • In what ways are we responsible for helping others obtain the Lord’s blessings?
  • Why do you think the Lord holds us responsible for helping others obtain the blessings He desires to give them?
    Handout 2
  • When have you tried to help others obtain the Lord’s blessings?
  • How did you feel you were blessed as a result of your efforts?
After sufficient time, ask each group (or a spokesperson from each group) to report their answers and other insights they may have gained.
Explain that Numbers 32 concludes with Moses designating the inheritances for the tribes of Reuben and Gad and half of the tribe of Manasseh.

Numbers 33–36

Moses reviews Israel’s journeys and instructs them concerning land inheritances and cities of refuge

Summarize Numbers 33–36 by explaining that Moses reviewed Israel’s journeys from Egypt to Canaan and that the Lord instructed Israel to drive out all of the inhabitants of the land of Canaan. In addition, Moses instructed the Israelites about land inheritances and about the establishment of cities in which individuals accused of manslaughter could receive refuge until a fair trial was held.
Conclude by testifying of the principles identified in this lesson. Invite students to act on any promptings they may have received as they studied the scriptures.

Commentary and Background Information

Numbers 32:16–25. Helping others receive the blessings of the Lord

Just as the tribes of Reuben and Gad needed to help the other tribes of Israel receive their promised blessings before receiving blessings for themselves, we must help others obtain the Lord’s blessings so we can receive all of His blessings as well. One way we can do this is through family history and temple work. Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught:
“Ordinances of the temple relate to personal progress and to the redemption of departed ancestors as well. ‘For their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation, … they without us cannot be made perfect—neither can we without our dead be made perfect’ [D&C 128:15]. Service in their behalf provides repeated opportunities for temple worship. And that service deserves commitment to a planned schedule. By doing for others what they cannot do for themselves, we emulate the pattern of the Savior, who wrought the Atonement to bless the lives of other people” (“Personal Preparation for Temple Blessings,” Ensign, May 2001, 34).

Numbers 35. Cities of refuge

Numbers 35 contains the Lord’s commandment that special cities be established throughout Canaan for the Levites. This would allow the Levites to be among all the tribes and perform ordinances for them.
“Six of the forty-eight Levitical cities were appointed to be ‘cities of refuge,’ places where those who had taken human life could find protection until they had been tried and either convicted of murder or released (v. 11). These cities were to be located on both sides of the Jordan (see v. 14). Note the distinction that Moses made between murdering and slaying a human being (see vv. 15–25). Differentiation was made among what is called today premeditated murder, murder of passion, manslaughter, and self-defense.
“‘Cities of refuge among the Hebrews were necessary, because the old patriarchal law still remained in force, viz., that the nearest akin had a right to avenge the death of his relation by slaying the murderer; for the original law enacted that whosoever shed man’s blood, by man should his blood be shed, Genesis 9:6, and none was judged so proper to execute this law as the man who was nearest akin to the deceased. As many rash executions of this law might take place, from the very nature of the thing, it was deemed necessary to qualify its claims, and prevent injustice; and the cities of refuge were judged proper for this purpose. Nor do we ever read that they were ever found inefficient, or that they were ever abused.’ (Clarke, Bible Commentary, 1:730.)” (Old Testament Student Manual: Genesis–2 Samuel, 3rd ed. [Church Educational System manual, 2003], 211).

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