Wednesday, January 20, 2016

88 & 89 combined for 1-21 scripture dig

Everyone:  Name some poor choices that people could make because of anger or jealousy.
---As you study 1 Samuel 18, you will learn principles that will help them better understand the dangers of anger and jealousy and help them know how to respond when others are angry or jealous.

---Summary of 1 Samuel 18:1–5: After David defeated Goliath, he became close friends with Saul’s son Jonathan. Saul set David over the army. Jonathan could have been jealous of David’s success, but he instead rejoiced. When Jonathan gave his clothing and weapons to David, he was showing his friendship and his support of David becoming the next king.

---Read 1 Samuel 18:6–9 and look for how Saul felt about David’s success.
                ---How did Saul respond to David’s success and recognition in battle?

---The phrase “Saul eyed David from that day and forward” in verse 9, and explain that it refers to Saul’s growing jealousy and anger toward David.

---Read 1 Samuel 18:10–11 looking for what Saul did because of his jealousy and anger toward David.
---Remember that the Joseph Smith Translation changes the phrase “the evil spirit from God” to “the evil spirit which was not of God.”
                ---According to verse 11, what did Saul do because of his jealousy and anger toward David?

                ---Based on this account, what happens to us when we allow ourselves to be jealous and angry?
When we are jealous and angry, we allow_____________________________________________________________.

                ---Why do you think jealousy and anger allow the influence of the adversary into our lives?


---Elder Jeffrey R. Holland:

“There are going to be times in our lives when someone else gets an unexpected blessing or receives some special recognition. May I plead with us not to be hurt—and certainly not to feel envious—when good fortune comes to another person? We are not diminished when someone else is added upon. We are not in a race against each other. … The race we are really in is the race against sin, and surely envy is one of the most universal of those.”

                ---What reasons did Elder Holland give for why we should not feel envious when others receive blessings?

---Remember to strive to avoid jealousy when others receive a blessing or some other recognition but instead to be excited for others’ blessings or achievements.

---Read 1 Samuel 18:12–16 looking for how David behaved in response to Saul’s jealousy and anger.
                ---What do you think it means to behave wisely?

---Read Alma 37:35 looking for what Alma taught his son about being wise.
                ---Based on what Alma told his son, what does it mean to behave wisely?

                ---What does the phrase “behaved himself wisely in all his ways” in 1 Samuel 18:14 tell us about David?

                ---What can we learn about behaving wisely from this account about David?
As we behave wisely, we invite ______________________________________________________________________________.

                ---When have you seen someone behave wisely in a difficult situation? What lessons did you learn?

                ---What can you do to behave wisely in your everyday life? Give specific examples.

---Summary of 1 Samuel 18:17–27: Saul devised a plan to have David killed. He offered one of his daughters for David to marry if David would kill one hundred Philistines. Saul hoped that David would be killed in battle, but David was victorious and married Saul’s daughter Michal.

---What differences do you see in the choices Saul and David made in 1 Samuel 18:28–30?

---What would you do if someone was chasing you and trying to harm you?

---Summary of 1 Samuel 19:1–17: Saul commanded his son Jonathan and all his servants to kill David. Jonathan informed David of his father’s plans and persuaded Saul to promise not to kill David. However, after David returned victorious from another battle with the Philistines, Saul’s jealousy returned and he tried repeatedly to kill David.

---Read 1 Samuel 19:18 looking for whom David fled to for help.
                ---Why do you think it was wise for David to flee there?

---Summary of 1 Samuel 19:19–24: When Saul found out David was with the prophet Samuel, he attempted to capture David. However, because of the Lord’s influence, Saul was unable to take him.

---In 1 Samuel 20 we learn that after David left the prophet Samuel, David met with Jonathan and they made a covenant of friendship. Jonathan covenanted to warn David of danger from his father and David covenanted to watch over Jonathan’s family, including his posterity. David decided to hide from the king the next day instead of eating with him, and he requested Jonathan’s help in discovering Saul’s plot against him. When Saul did not see David at his table the next day, he became angry and told Jonathan that if David was allowed to live then Jonathan would never be king. Jonathan sent a message to David to flee for safety.

---Read the chapter headings for 1 Samuel 21–22 looking for whom David fled to for safety and what Saul did to those who helped David.

---Imagine the following scenario:
You are being continually ridiculed and belittled by a peer at school. This peer also tries to turn your friends against you. One day, you discover a way to get revenge or retaliate.
                ---How should you respond to the opportunity to get revenge? Why?

---Look for a principle as you study 1 Samuel 23–24 that can guide you when you are tempted to retaliate against others.

---Summary of 1 Samuel 23: When Saul discovered David’s location, he again sent his men to capture David. These men pursued David into the wilderness. While in the wilderness, Jonathan found David and encouraged him in his ordeal. While chasing David, Saul learned that the Philistines had again invaded his land, and he returned home to fight the Philistines.

---Read 1 Samuel 24:1–3 looking for the situation David found himself in when Saul resumed his pursuit.
                ---What situation did David find himself in?

                ---How might you have felt if you had been in David’s position and realized that the man who had been trying to kill you was vulnerable and in the cave where you were hiding?

---Read 1 Samuel 24:4–7 looking for what David did to Saul.
                ---What did David do to Saul?

Cutting off the skirt of Saul’s robe meant that David cut off the border of Saul’s robe that symbolized Saul’s authority. It also showed that David had been close enough to Saul to harm him, but he had chosen not to.
                ---Why didn’t David kill Saul? (If you need help, see verse 6.)

                ---If you had been in Saul’s position, how might you have felt when you found out that David had spared your life?

---Read 1 Samuel 24:8–15 looking for why David said he would not kill Saul. Then discuss the following questions:
                ---Who did David say was the judge between him and Saul?

                ---What does David’s remark that he would not stretch forth his hand against the Lord’s anointed (see verses 6 and 10) teach us about David?

---What principle can we learn from David about not seeking revenge against those who have hurt us?
Because the Lord is a perfect judge, we do not need _________________________________________________.

---Consider how this principle might help someone know what to do when they have a chance to retaliate against someone who has hurt them.
                ---What might be the danger in our trying to judge others?

---Remember to let the Lord be the judge in situations when others hurt you and to not seek revenge. Pray for help to overcome any desires to seek revenge you may have.

Note: Seeking revenge is different from seeking justice. Letting the Lord be the judge does not mean you should not seek help when it is needed. For example, victims of any type of abuse should still seek help from parents and priesthood leaders as needed.

Everyone together:
                ---How might the effect of the first domino falling relate to the good choices we make in our lives?

---Look for a principle as you study 1 Samuel 25 that relates to the effects your good choices have on the people around you.

Summary of 1 Samuel 25–31: Samuel the prophet died and all the Israelites gathered to mourn his loss. After Samuel’s funeral, David and his men went into the wilderness. While fleeing from Saul, David’s men sought supplies from a wealthy man named Nabal. Nabal, who was described as being “rude, rough, [or] hard,” insulted David’s men and refused to help them. One of Nabal’s servants told Abigail, Nabal’s wife, how her husband had mistreated David’s men. The servant also told Abigail how David and his men had provided protection to Nabal’s servants and had never tried to take any of Nabal’s animals. David intended to slay Nabal and his servants, but Nabal’s wife, Abigail, interceded. When Abigail found David in the wilderness, she bowed before him and humbly asked him to spare her household despite the iniquities of her husband. She calmed David, who spared Nabal’s life. Nabal died shortly after he found out that Abigail had made peace with David. After Nabal’s death, David sent for Abigail and the two were married.

---What principle does this account illustrate about the potential influence of one person’s righteous choice?
Our righteous choices can bless not only us but also _________________________________________________.

---How does Abigail’s action relate to the effect the first domino had on the other dominoes?

---Think about a time when you were blessed because one of your peers made a righteous choice.
---Remember to make righteous choices and to look for blessings that come to others because of those righteous choices.

---Summary of 1 Samuel 26–27: King Saul took 3,000 men into the wilderness to find and kill David. When Saul and his men were asleep in their camp one night, David and one of his servants went to where Saul was sleeping. David’s servant wanted to kill Saul, but David refused. Later, when King Saul discovered that David had spared his life again, he said he would no longer seek David’s life. David did not believe Saul, so he moved his family to live among the Philistines.

When Saul was unable to receive guidance from the Lord, he sought help from the witch of Endor. The Amalekites attacked the Philistine kingdom where David had fled, but David’s army repelled the attack. Three of Saul’s sons were killed in battle with the Philistines, and Saul took his own life.

Another demonstration:
---Earlier you discussed how these dominoes could illustrate the effects of righteous choices.
                ---How might the effect of these dominoes represent poor choices?

---As you study 1 Samuel 28, look for a principle that relates to the effects our poor choices can have.

---In 1 Samuel 28:1–5 we learn that the king of the Philistines wanted David to go with him to war against Israel.

---Read 1 Samuel 28:5–6 aloud and look for how Saul felt when he saw the Philistines and what happened when he asked the Lord for help.
                ---Why do you think the Lord did not answer Saul?

                ---Why can our disobedience make it difficult to receive personal revelation and answers to our prayers?

                ---What can we learn from this account about what happens to us when we disobey God
When we willfully disobey God, _________________________________________________________________.

---What major decisions will you have to make in the next few years?

                ---Why might it be important for you to have God’s strength and guidance in your life as you face those decisions?

                ---If you had been one of King Saul’s advisers, what would you have told him he should do to receive answers to his prayers?

Instead of being obedient to the Lord and continuing to seek and strive to be worthy of revelation, Saul chose to turn to wicked sources. By seeking out the woman from Endor, Saul broke God’s command not to turn to those with familiar spirits. The phrase “hath got a familiar spirit” in verse 7 refers to a person who claimed to be able to speak with the dead.

---Summary of 1 Samuel 28:11–25: The woman Saul went to see claimed that she had called the prophet Samuel from the dead to speak to Saul. She told Saul that he and his sons would be killed the next day in battle with the Philistines. Despite what she said, it is not possible for a person like this woman to be able to summon the spirits of the Lord’s departed servants. She either pretended to see Samuel or was under the influence of evil powers when she delivered her message to Saul.

From Answers to Gospel Questions, comp. Joseph Fielding Smith Jr.:

“It is beyond rational belief that such persons could at any period in ancient or modern times, invoke the spirits of departed servants or handmaidens of the Lord. They are not at the beck and call of witches, wizards, diviners, or necromancers. Pitiable indeed would be the condition of spirits in paradise if they were under any such control. They would not be at rest, nor be able to enjoy that liberty from the troubles and labors of earthly life which is essential to their happiness, but be in a condition of bondage, subject to the will and whims of persons who know not God and whose lives and aims are of the earth, earthy”

---Refer back to the list of major decisions you made.
                ---What are some of the positive consequences that might come from making righteous decisions?

---What are some of the negative consequences that might come from making unrighteous decisions?

---Summary of 1 Samuel 29:1–11; 30:1–3: David and his men were with the armies of the Philistines as they went to fight the Israelites. Several Philistine leaders did not want David and his men in the battle, so the king commanded David and his men to return to the land of the Philistines. When they returned, they found that their city had been destroyed by the Amalekites and that their families had been taken captive.

---Read 1 Samuel 30:4
---How did David and his men responded?

---Read 1 Samuel 30:6–8 looking for what David did during this time of tragedy. The phrase “encouraged himself in the Lord his God” meant that he trusted in the Lord (see verse 6, footnote a). The breastplate of the high priest, which held the Urim and Thummim, was attached to the ephod (part of the dress of the high priest; see Exodus 28:26–30). These were divinely approved instruments of revelation. David had asked the high priest to bring the ephod so David could inquire of the Lord through the Urim and Thummim.
                ---Why do you think David was blessed with the Lord’s direction but King Saul was not?

                ---What principle can this account teach us about inviting the Lord to direct our lives
When we are faithful, we invite ____________________________________________________________________.

---Think of a time when you have felt that the Lord directed their lives.

---Summary of 1 Samuel 30:9–31; 31:1–13: David and his army conquered the Amalekites and rescued their families. David then shared the enemy’s supplies with his people. In the meantime, the Philistines went to battle against the Israelites. Three of Saul’s sons were killed. Saul was badly wounded, and when he feared he would be killed in battle by the Philistines, he took his own life.

---Consider what effect the choices you are making now will have on you and the people around you. Make righteous choices so you can be directed by the Lord.

VIDEO CLIP: Finding Your Purpose in Life: Does Faith Matter? (5:08)

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