Monday, January 11, 2016

lesson 87 1 Samuel 17 for 1-19

Lesson 87: 1 Samuel 17

I. 1 Samuel 17:1–40  David is chosen to fight Goliath

---Before class, prepare the following visual aids:
1. To help students visualize Goliath’s actual size, make a life-size drawing of him in the classroom or put a mark on the wall at nine feet, nine inches (three meters).

2. To help students understand what David used to defeat Goliath, draw a picture of a sling or construct one by using any sturdy fabric or soft leather for the pouch (an oval of about 3 x 5 inches [8 x 13 centimeters]) and something like shoelaces for the strings (any length from 18 to 24 inches [46 to 60 centimeters]). Tie a knot in the end of one string and a small loop in the end of the other.

---What do you think are the biggest challenges youths face in our day?
---Write their responses on the board.
---Think about a challenge they are currently facing.

---Look for principles that can help you know how to endure or overcome the challenges you are facing as you study the account of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17.

---In 1 Samuel 17:1–3: The Philistines came again to battle against the Israelites.

---on the board a simple picture depicting two mountains with a valley between them.
---The Philistines stood on one mountain and the Israelites stood on the other mountain.

---Read 1 Samuel 17:4–7 looking for how Goliath and his armor and weapons were described.
                ---How tall was Goliath? (approximately nine feet, nine inches tall.)

“According to [1 Samuel 17:4], Goliath’s height was six cubits and a span. The most widely accepted opinion of the length of a cubit is about eighteen inches or, roughly, the distance from the elbow to the tip of the extended middle finger. A span is said to be the distance from the thumb to the end of the little finger when the fingers are spread as wide as possible. These measurements would make the height of Goliath approximately nine feet, nine inches! It is not too surprising that the Philistines would have picked such a champion or that no man in Israel wanted to be Saul’s champion. …

“Experts have estimated the weight of Goliath’s armor to be about 150 pounds. A weaver’s beam is a strong, thick piece of wood on which thread is strung in preparation for weaving. The weight of Goliath’s spearhead has been estimated from twelve to twenty-six pounds, depending on which authority is consulted and what weight he selects for a shekel. … A greave is a protective piece of armor that fits on the front of the leg and extends from just below the knee to the ankle.” A target is armor protecting the neck

---Come to the front of the class and compare your height to the height of Goliath.

---Read 1 Samuel 17:8–11 aloud looking for the challenge Goliath gave to the Israelites.
                ---What challenge did Goliath give to the Israelites?
                ---How might you have responded to Goliath’s challenge if you had been in the camp of the Israelites?
                ---According to verse 11, how did the Israelite soldiers respond to Goliath’s challenge? What does dismayed mean? (the Israelites were distressed and frightened by the challenge.)

---1 Samuel 17:12–18: While the army of Israel was encamped against the army of the Philistines, David was at home tending his father’s sheep. David’s father gave him food to take to his brothers, who were soldiers in the army of Israel, with instructions to see how they were doing at the battlefront.

---Read 1 Samuel 17:19–26 looking for what happened when David arrived at the Israelite camp.
                ---How was David’s reaction to Goliath’s challenge different from the reaction of the Israelite soldiers? (he was not afraid.)

---1 Samuel 17:27–31: David’s oldest brother, Eliab, was angry and questioned David’s intentions when he heard how David reacted to Goliath’s challenge. Despite his brother’s anger, David continued to tell the Israelites that they should not be afraid of Goliath. Some of the soldiers told King Saul what David said, and the king asked to see him.

---Read 1 Samuel 17:32–37 aloud looking for what happened when King Saul and David met.
                ---How might Saul’s response to David in verse 33 be similar to what we sometimes feel when we face challenges?
                ---According to verses 34–36, what did David say when Saul told him that he was too young to fight with Goliath?
                ---According to verse 37, why did David believe he could defeat Goliath?

---Write the following phrase on the board: Remembering how the Lord has helped us in the past will …

---How would you complete this statement based on what you learned from David’s response? …remembering how the Lord has helped us in the past will strengthen our faith to endure or overcome our present challenges.
                ---Why do you think remembering how the Lord has helped us in the past will help us with our present challenges?

---Think about a time when the Lord helped you or someone you know endure or overcome a challenge.
---Does anyone want to share your experiences with the class?
---How has that experience helped you with other challenges or how could that experience help you with other challenges in the future?

---Remember what the Lord has done for you in the past as you seek to endure and overcome the challenges you are facing now and the challenges you will face in the future.

---Read 1 Samuel 17:38–40 aloud looking for what was done to prepare David for battle against Goliath.
                ---Why did David decide not to use King Saul’s armor? (“he had not proved it” in verse 39 means that David was not used to wearing armor.)
                ---What did David do to prepare for the battle?

---Show students the sling you drew or constructed.
---Slings were commonly used as weapons in David’s day. To become accurate with the sling, a person had to spend a considerable amount of time using it. David had used a sling to protect his father’s sheep. It is difficult to use a sling effectively. (try it)

---The loop goes over the index or third finger while the knot is held between the thumb and index finger; the object is slung by swinging the sling over the head and releasing the knotted string as the pouch begins its arc toward the target. Timing is critical. (You may consider allowing other students to try this activity at the end of the lesson.

II. 1 Samuel 17:41–58  With the strength of the Lord, David slays Goliath

---Invite two students to come to the front of the class to represent David and Goliath.
---Goliath: 1 Samuel 17:41–44
Look for phrases that show what Goliath thought of David. The word stave in verse 43 is referring to a staff or pole.
                ---What did Goliath think of David?
                ---If you were David, how might you have responded to Goliath’s insults?

Look for how David responded to Goliath.
                ---How would you summarize David’s response to Goliath?
                ---According to verse 47, what did David say the assembly would know after he defeated Goliath?
                ---What does David’s response reveal about him?

1 Samuel 17:43–47. The courage of David

Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught that we should have courage and faith when we face challenges:

“At times all of us must stand against those who mock and revile. Some of us, sometime, will face some earthly power as mighty as Goliath. When that happens, we should emulate the courage of David, who was mighty because he had faith and he went forth in a righteous cause in the name of the Lord of Hosts”

---Read 1 Samuel 17:48–51 aloud looking for what happened to Goliath.
                ---How did David exercise his faith in the Lord?
                ---What principles can we learn from this story? (As we exercise faith in the Lord, He will help us with our challenges.)
                ---What are some ways we can exercise our faith in the Lord when we experience challenges?

---Read the following statement from True to the Faith:

“Faith is much more than passive belief. You express your faith through action—by the way you live. … Your faith can lead you to do good works, obey the commandments, and repent of your sins” (True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference [2004], 54–55).

---Explain how someone with these challenges could exercise faith in the Lord to receive His help:
1. A young man’s parents decide to get a divorce.
2. A young woman is struggling to overcome some addictions.
3. A young woman knows she needs to forgive someone who caused her harm.
4. A young man has health problems that limit the activities he can participate in.

---Ponder what you can do to exercise faith so you can receive the Lord’s help to face their own challenges.

---Consider sharing an experience you have had when you exercised faith in the Lord and received His help with a challenge.

---1 Samuel 17:52–57: After David defeated Goliath, the Philistine army fled, and the army of the Israelites chased after them. David took Goliath’s head to Jerusalem, and King Saul marveled at David’s bravery.

---Think again about a challenge you are currently facing.

1 Samuel 17. The Goliaths in our lives

President Thomas S. Monson explained that we must face our challenges in order to overcome them:

“Is there a Goliath in your life? Is there one in mine? Does he stand squarely between you and your desired happiness? Your Goliath may not carry a sword or hurl a verbal challenge of insult that all may hear and force you to decision. He may not be ten feet tall, but he likely will appear equally as formidable, and his silent challenge may shame and embarrass. …

“The giant you face will not diminish in size nor in power or strength by your vain hoping, wishing, or waiting for him to do so. Rather, he increases in power as his hold upon you tightens” (“Meeting Your Goliath,” New Era, June 2008, 5).

---Answer the following question in you class notebooks:
                ---What will you do to better exercise your faith as you face your challenges?

---Does anyone want to share with the class what you wrote, if it is not too personal?

---Conclude by testifying of the principles you have discussed.

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