Saturday, July 23, 2016

NT Lessons 147-148 2 Peter 2-3 and 1 John 1-5

Lesson 147: 2 Peter 2–3

Peter warned that false prophets and teachers lead people astray. He prophesied that in the last days, the wicked would scoff at the righteous for believing that Jesus Christ would return. Peter encouraged the Saints to prepare diligently for the Savior’s Second Coming.

I. 2 Peter 2  Peter warns about being deceived by false teachers

---Write the following question on the board:
Why might people choose to sin even when they know that what they are doing is wrong?
---Invite students to ponder this question, and then ask a few of them to report their answers.
---Explain that in 2 Peter 2 we read that the Apostle Peter warned the Saints about people who were seeking to deceive them. Invite students to look for truths as they study 2 Peter 2 that can help them recognize and avoid deceptions that lead to sin.
---Invite a student to read 2 Peter 2:1–3 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for Peter’s warning about who would try to deceive the Saints.
  • Whom did Peter warn the Saints about?
  • What do these false prophets and teachers teach? (Explain that “damnable heresies” [verse 1] are false and destructive teachings.)
  • What truth can we learn from Peter about what false teachers seek to do to us? (Help students identify a truth similar to the following: False teachers seek to deceive us. Write this truth on the board.)
---Invite a student to read aloud the following statement by Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Ask the class to listen for what false teachers teach today in order to deceive us.
Elder M. Russell Ballard
“False prophets and false teachers are those who declare that the Prophet Joseph Smith was a duplicitous deceiver; they challenge the First Vision as an authentic experience. They declare that the Book of Mormon and other canonical works are not ancient records of scripture. They also attempt to redefine the nature of the Godhead, and they deny that God has given and continues to give revelation today to His ordained and sustained prophets. …
“False prophets and false teachers are also those who attempt to change the God-given and scripturally based doctrines that protect the sanctity of marriage, the divine nature of the family, and the essential doctrine of personal morality. They advocate a redefinition of morality to justify fornication, adultery, and homosexual relationships” (“Beware of False Prophets and False Teachers,” Ensign, Nov. 1999, 63, 64).
---Invite students to consider times when they may have encountered teachings or messages from false teachers.
  • Why is it helpful to be aware of the messages and teachings of false teachers?
---Summarize 2 Peter 2:4–17 by explaining that Peter gave several examples of what had happened to people who had followed false teachers in the past. Peter also gave examples of individuals who had not been influenced by false teachers. Peter then described false teachers’ wicked behavior.
fishing hook, worm
---Display a fishing pole and some lures or bait, or display or draw a picture of these objects on the board. (If another method of catching fish would be more familiar to your students, use objects or pictures that show that method.)
---Explain that one way a fisherman catches fish is by using lures or bait to entice fish into a trap or to bite a hook. Invite students to consider how a fisherman’s techniques are like those of a false teacher.
---Invite a student to read 2 Peter 2:18–19 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for how false teachers entice Saints to follow their teachings.
  • How do false teachers entice and deceive Church members? (Point out that some false teachers may be sincere but have been deceived themselves.)
  • How are the teachings of false prophets and teachers like a fishing lure or fly?
  • According to verse 19, what do these false teachers promise? (“Liberty.” In other words, they teach that sin, rather than obedience to the commandments, leads to greater freedom.)
---Add to the truth on the board so it reads as follows: False teachers seek to deceive us into believing that sin leads to greater liberty.
---Invite students to read verse 19 again silently, looking for what happens to people who are overcome by false teachings and sin.
  • What happens to people who are overcome by false teachings and sin? (They become enslaved to them.)
  • What are some false teachings that appear to promote freedom but actually lead to bondage?
---Invite a student to read 2 Peter 2:20–22 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what Peter taught about those who return to sin after escaping from it.
  • Why do you think those who “have escaped the pollutions of the world through … Jesus Christ” (verse 20) may be tempted to return to their sinful ways?
  • What advice would you give to help someone remain faithful to Jesus Christ and His gospel rather than return to previous sins?
II. 2 Peter 3  Peter testifies of the Second Coming

---Explain that as Peter concluded his epistle he reminded the Saints of Jesus Christ’s Second Coming and taught them how to prepare for it. Summarize 2 Peter 3:1–9 by explaining that Peter taught that in the last days some people would scoff at and mock those who believed in the Second Coming.
---Ask a few students to explain why they believe in the Second Coming, even though many people do not.
---Invite a student to read 2 Peter 3:10–14 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what Peter taught about the Second Coming. Explain that conversation in verse 11 means conduct (see 1 Timothy 4:12, footnote c) and “hasting unto” in verse 12 means awaiting something eagerly.
  • According to verse 10, what did Peter teach about the Second Coming?
  • According to verses 11–14, what counsel did Peter give the Saints to prepare them for the Second Coming? (Lead holy and godly lives, watch for and eagerly await the Second Coming, and diligently strive to be found “without spot, and blameless” [verse 14].)
---Explain that the phrase “without spot, and blameless” (verse 14) means being clean from sin. Those who are clean from sin have been reconciled to God and will be found at peace with the Savior when He comes.
  • How would you summarize a principle Peter taught about how we can prepare for the Savior’s Second Coming? (Help students identify a principle similar to the following: We can prepare for the Savior’s Second Coming by leading godly lives and earnestly watching for His Coming. Explain that “watching” can mean we are eagerly awaiting the Savior’s Coming.)
  • What are some things we can do to lead godly lives as we earnestly watch for the Second Coming?
---Summarize 2 Peter 3:15–18 by explaining that Peter warned about falling into wickedness. He invited the Saints to “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of [the] Lord” (verse 18).
---Conclude by testifying of the truths taught in 2 Peter 2–3. Invite students to seek to recognize and avoid false teachings and to prepare diligently for the Second Coming.

Commentary and Background Information

2 Peter 3:12. “The coming of the day of God”
Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles testified of Christ’s Second Coming:
“[At the Second Coming] a seemingly impossible experience [will occur]: ‘All flesh,’ the Lord says, ‘shall see me together’ [D&C 101:23]. How will it happen? We do not know. But I testify it will happen—exactly as prophesied. We will kneel in reverence, ‘and the Lord shall utter his voice, and all the ends of the earth shall hear it’ [D&C 45:49]. ‘It shall be … as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder’ [D&C 133:22]. ‘[Then] the Lord, … the Savior, shall stand in the midst of his people’ [D&C 133:25]. …
“In that day the skeptics will be silent, ‘for every ear shall hear … , and every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess’ [D&C 88:104] that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of the world” (“Thy Kingdom Come,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2015, 122).
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Object lessons
Look for ways to use objects that will help students understand gospel principles. Through effective object lessons, you can help students visualize, analyze, and understand the scriptures. You can also use object lessons to stimulate discussion.

Lesson 148: 1 John

John invited Church members to seek fellowship with the Father and the Son. He emphasized the need to keep the commandments of God to show our love for Him. John also reminded Church members to love others.

I. 1 John 1–5  John explains the importance of keeping the commandments and loving one another

---Divide students into pairs. Write the word apostasy on the board. Invite students to turn to their partners and briefly explain the meaning of apostasy. Then invite a student to come to the board and write a definition of apostasy. The definition should indicate that apostasy means a turning away from the truth (see Guide to the Scriptures, “Apostasy,”
---Explain that the Apostle John wrote the epistle of 1 John at a time when apostasy was threatening the Church. In this epistle, John warned the Saints of antichrists (see 1 John 2:18–26; 4:3). An antichrist is “anyone or anything that counterfeits the true gospel plan of salvation and that openly or secretly opposes Christ” and the authority and teachings of His chosen servants (Guide to the Scriptures, “Antichrist,” Some antichrists in John’s day were teaching that Jesus Christ did not have a physical body while on earth but only appeared to be a physical being.
---Invite a student to read 1 John 1:1–4 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what John testified of to refute this false teaching. Explain that the phrase “the Word of life” (verse 1) refers to Jesus Christ.
  • What words did John use to refute the false idea that Jesus Christ did not have a physical body?
  • According to verses 3–4, why did John share his sacred witness of Jesus Christ with Church members? (He wanted them to have fellowship with the leaders of the Church, who had fellowship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He also desired that they experience a fulness of joy.)
---Explain that to have fellowship means to enjoy a relationship of trust, communion, and common purpose. We can have fellowship with Church leaders as we receive and follow their teachings and counsel.
---Write the following incomplete statement on the board: If we receive and follow the teachings of prophets and apostles, we can …
  • Based on John’s teachings in John 1:3, how would you complete this statement to form a principle? (Using students’ words, complete the statement on the board so that it conveys the following principle: If we receive and follow the teachings of prophets and apostles, we can gain fellowship with the Father and the Son.)
---Display pictures of the current President of the Church and other prophets and apostles.
  • How does following the teachings of the prophets and apostles help us gain fellowship with our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ?
---Invite a student to read 1 John 1:5–6 aloud. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what can prevent us from having fellowship with our Father in Heaven.
  • What can prevent us from having fellowship with our Father in Heaven?
---Point out that John’s use of the word darkness refers to spiritual darkness.
  • What do you think it means to walk in spiritual darkness?
---Invite students to study 1 John 1:7–10; 2:1–6, looking for truths John taught that can help us know how to walk in the light of the gospel. Explain that the word propitiation in 1 John 2:2 means an atoning sacrifice that satisfies the justice of God. Invite students to study these verses silently on their own or with partners or in small groups.
  • What truths did you identify in these verses? (Consider writing students’ responses on the board. These may include truths such as the following: Jesus Christ atoned for our sins. When we keep the commandments of God, our love for God is perfected.)
  • Why do you think our love for God becomes more perfect, or complete, as we keep His commandments?
  • When have you experienced a greater love for God as you have striven to keep His commandments?
---Read aloud the following descriptions of two Latter-day Saint youth. Invite students to listen for a particular commandment that these two individuals struggle to obey.
  1. A young man reads the scriptures each day and faithfully performs many of his priesthood duties, but he is often unkind to his younger brother.
  2. A young woman regularly attends her Church meetings and has earned her Young Womanhood Recognition. However, she often posts rude comments about some of her classmates and teachers on social media.
  • What commandment do these two young people struggle to obey?
---Invite students to reflect on situations in which they might struggle to show love for others.
---Invite a few students to take turns reading aloud from 1 John 2:9–11; 4:7–11, 19–21. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what John taught about love. You may want to invite students to consider marking teachings in these verses that are meaningful to them.
  • Which of John’s teachings about love are meaningful to you? Why?
  • What principle can we identify from these verses about what we will do when we love God? (Students may use different words, but they should identify a principle similar to the following: When we love God, we will love others.)
  • Why do you think we will show our love to others if we truly love God?
---Point out that while John used the word hate in 1 John 4:20, there are many ways that we can withhold our love or kindness from others besides hating them. Invite students to explain what they think some of those ways might be.
---Invite a student to read 1 John 3:17–18 aloud, and ask the class to look for how we ought to demonstrate our love for others. Invite students to report what they find. Students should discover the importance of loving not just “in word” but also “in deed.”
  • Why do you think it is important that we demonstrate our love through our actions and not through our words alone?
  • Whom do you know who is a good example of showing love to others? What does this person do that manifests his or her love for others?
---Invite students to think of someone in their life for whom they could show more love. Ask them to write on a piece of paper the name of that individual along with something specific they could do to demonstrate love or kindness toward that person. Explain that they do not need to show their love in extravagant ways and that small, simple gestures of charity and kindness are often the most meaningful. Invite them to take the paper home with them and act on what they wrote.
---Point out that when we demonstrate our love through our actions, we are following the example of Jesus Christ (see 1 John 2:6; 3:1–3). You may want to conclude the lesson by sharing your testimony of the truths students identified in their study of 1 John. Encourage students to apply these truths in their lives.

Commentary and Background Information

1 John 3:2. “We shall be like him”
Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained that the purpose of mortal life is to become like God through the Atonement of Jesus Christ:
“In the theology of the restored church of Jesus Christ, the purpose of mortal life is to prepare us to realize our destiny as sons and daughters of God—to become like Him. … The Bible describes mortals as ‘the children of God’ and as ‘heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ’ (Rom. 8:16–17). It also declares that ‘we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together’ (Rom. 8:17) and that ‘when he shall appear, we shall be like him’ (1 Jn. 3:2). We take these Bible teachings literally. We believe that the purpose of mortal life is to acquire a physical body and, through the atonement of Jesus Christ and by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel, to qualify for the glorified, resurrected celestial state that is called exaltation or eternal life (“Apostasy and Restoration,” Ensign, May 1995, 86–87).

1 John 5:3. “For this is the love of God”
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught about the relationship between loving God and keeping His commandments:
“When we love the Lord, obedience ceases to be a burden. Obedience becomes a delight” (“The Great Commandment,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2007, 30).

Supplemental Teaching Idea
video icon1 John 4:7–11. Video presentation—“Two Brothers Apart”
To help students feel the truth and importance of the principle that when we love God, we will love others, consider showing the video “Two Brothers Apart” (6:12). This video shows the relationship between two brothers over several years as they learn to understand and love each other. This video is available on

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Teach as the Savior taught
President Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles invited gospel teachers to strive to teach as the Savior taught: “When we begin to analyze ourselves and look to improve ourselves as teachers, what better model could we find? What finer study could we undertake than to analyze our ideals and goals and methods and compare them with those of Jesus Christ?” (Teach Ye Diligently, rev. ed. [1991], 22).

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