Lesson 143:
Ezekiel 38–48
Ezekiel saw
in vision a great battle that will precede the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. He also saw in vision a latter-day temple
that will be built in Jerusalem. He saw water flowing from this temple through
the surrounding land and into the waters of the Dead Sea, which were then
healed. Many of the details regarding these prophecies have not yet been
---If you could pick two things that you
would like the world to know about Jesus Christ, what would they be? Why?
---As we
study the prophecies of Ezekiel in Ezekiel 38–48, look for what the Lord will
make sure everyone knows about Him as part of His Second Coming.
---Gog was
the king (or chief prince) of a land called Magog, located north of Jerusalem.
Ezekiel used Gog symbolically to represent a wicked leader or leaders who will
seek to destroy God’s people in the last days.
---Write the
word Jerusalem in the center of the
---Write Gog of Magog above the word Jerusalem.
---Ezekiel 38:4–6 says that Ezekiel prophesied
that Gog would assemble a great army from many nations.
---What countries gathered to Gog?
Persia was east of Jerusalem, ancient Ethiopia was south of Jerusalem, and
ancient Libya was west of Jerusalem.
may have used these countries symbolically to illustrate that this army would
come from many surrounding nations.
---Write the
names of these countries on the board, and draw arrows from them to Gog.
---In Ezekiel 38:7–14 after the army of Gog gathers,
their purpose will be to attack what they perceive to be the defenseless
kingdom of Israel. This prophecy refers to the great battle commonly referred
to as the battle of Armageddon, which will precede the Second Coming of Jesus
Christ. (Note: The battle at the end of the Millennium described by John is
also referred to as the battle of Gog
and Magog. See Revelation 20:7–9.) The army of Gog symbolizes the
great army that will attack Jerusalem.
---Add a
large arrow pointing down from Gog of Magog to Jerusalem to represent this
---Read Ezekiel
38:15–16 aloud
looking for the Lord’s purpose in allowing the army of Gog to attack the people
in Jerusalem in the latter days.
---What does the Lord say is His purpose in
allowing Gog to battle the people of Israel?
---Mark the
phrase “that the heathen may know me” in verse 16. The word heathen refers to
people who do not know the Lord. The phrase “I shall be sanctified in thee” in verse 16 means that the Lord will
manifest Himself as He sustains the people of Israel against the army of Gog.
students into groups of two or three and invite them to take turns reading
aloud from Ezekiel
38:18–23, looking
for how the Lord will demonstrate His power against the army of Gog.
---How will the Lord demonstrate His power
against Gog?
---According to verse 23, what will many nations come to
know as they witness the destruction of Gog?
---Ezekiel 39:1–29 says that after most of the army
of Gog is destroyed, it will take seven months for the house of Israel to bury
the dead and seven years to clean up after the battle. Sometimes in the
scriptures, writers use numbers to convey symbolic meaning beyond the literal
understanding. Thus, the number seven may refer to a long time or to the land
becoming complete and whole again.
---Read Ezekiel
39:7, 21–22 aloud and
look for what the children of Israel would know after this battle.
---Mark what
they find.
---What will the children of Israel know
after this battle?
---What truth will all people, including the
entire house of Israel, eventually know as a result of this battle?
All people
will know that Jesus Christ is the Lord.
Ezekiel 38–39. The battle of Gog
and Magog
The battle
Ezekiel spoke of in Ezekiel 38–39 is a battle that will precede
the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This battle has been termed the battle of
Gog and Magog as well as the battle of Armageddon (see Old
Testament Student Manual: 1 Kings–Malachi, 3rd ed. [Church
Educational System manual, 2003], 291–95). Jeremiah, Joel, Zechariah, and
John the Beloved all prophesied of this battle (see Jeremiah
25:15–38; Joel
2–3; Zechariah
12–14; and Revelation
16:14–21). Of this
battle, Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said:
“1. Our Lord
is to come again in the midst of the battle of Armageddon, or in other words
during the course of the great war between Israel and Gog and Magog. At the
Second Coming all the nations of the earth are to be engaged in battle, and the
fighting is to be in progress in the area of Jerusalem and Armageddon. (Zech. 11; 12; 13; Rev. 16:14–21.) The prophecies do not name the
modern nations which will be fighting for and against Israel, but the
designation Gog and Magog is given to the combination of nations which are
seeking to overthrow and destroy the remnant of the Lord’s chosen seed.
“The 38th and 39th chapters of Ezekiel record considerable
prophetic detail relative to this great war. It should be noted that it is to
take place ‘in the latter years’; that it will be fought in the ‘mountains of
Israel’ against those who have been gathered to the land of their ancient
inheritance; that the land of Israel shall be relatively unprotected, a ‘land
of unwalled villages’; that Gog and Magog shall come ‘out of the north parts’
in such numbers as ‘to cover the land’ as a cloud; that the Lord will then
come, and all men shall shake at his presence; that there will be such an
earthquake as has never before been known, which will throw down the mountains;
that there will be pestilence, blood, fire, and brimstone descend upon the
armies; that the forces of Gog and Magog will be destroyed upon the mountains
of Israel; that the Supper of the Great God shall then take place as the beasts
and fowls eat the flesh and drink the blood of the fallen ones (Rev. 19:17–18; D. & C.
29:18–21); and that
the house of Israel will be seven months burying the dead and seven years
burning the discarded weapons of war. …
“2. Gog and
Magog, those nations which combine as the assailants of God’s plans and
purposes, will also come up in war and rebellion in the final battle of the
Great God which is to take place at the end of the millennium plus a short
season of preparation. (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, p. 45.)”
(Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed. [1966], 324–25).
The battle
of Gog and Magog described in Ezekiel 38–39, which precedes the Second
Coming, is sometimes confused with another battle John described, which will
take place at the end of the Millennium. John referred to this battle also as
the battle of Gog and Magog (see Revelation 20:7–9; D&C 88:111–16).
II. Ezekiel 40–43
The Lord shows Ezekiel a
temple that will be built in Jerusalem in the latter days
---In Ezekiel 40–43 we read that an angel guided
Ezekiel through another vision pertaining to the last days.
---What did Ezekiel see in vision?
temple Ezekiel saw is a temple that will be built in Jerusalem in the last
students a picture of a temple.
---Why are temples sacred, or holy, places?
---Read Ezekiel
44:5 aloud looking
for what the Lord told Ezekiel to do to maintain the holy nature of the temple.
---What do you think it means to “mark well
the entering in of the house”?
---How do priesthood leaders fulfill a
similar responsibility today?
---In Ezekiel 44:6–8 the Lord condemned Israel for
failing to maintain the sacredness of His holy house.
---Whom did the Lord not permit to enter His
phrase “stranger, uncircumcised in heart, nor uncircumcised in flesh” in verse 9 refers to non-Israelites who had
not made covenants to follow the Lord.
---Based on these verses, what
principle can we learn about who can enter the house of the Lord?
If we make
and keep covenants with the Lord, He will permit us to enter His holy house.
---Why do you think the Lord has standards
that we must meet before we enter His house?
---What standards do we need to live to be
worthy to worship in the temple?
that you have dressed up in your Church clothes and are on the temple grounds. You
walk to the front doors of the temple and enter. Imagine how you might feel
knowing that you are worthy to enter.
the following questions:
---Are you currently worthy to enter the
Lord’s house?
---What changes can you make to be better
prepared to enter the Lord’s house?
Unlocking the Door to the Blessings
of Abraham (2:42)
Sister Julie B. Beck, former Relief Society General President, recounts a story about her sister’s desires to date a man with a temple recommend. Consider showing this video from time codes 20:13 to 22:55 in connection with students’ pondering the questions about their personal worthiness to enter the temple.
Sister Julie B. Beck, former Relief Society General President, recounts a story about her sister’s desires to date a man with a temple recommend. Consider showing this video from time codes 20:13 to 22:55 in connection with students’ pondering the questions about their personal worthiness to enter the temple.
to follow any promptings you receive to help you be worthy to enter the Lord’s
---In Ezekiel 44:10–46:24 the messenger showed Ezekiel how
priests were to prepare for and properly perform their duties in the temple.
Highlight: Blessings of the Temple (0:52)
President Thomas S. Monson speaks of the healing, comfort, and peace that come from attending the temple. Consider showing this video to help students understand the blessings that come from the attending the temple.
President Thomas S. Monson speaks of the healing, comfort, and peace that come from attending the temple. Consider showing this video to help students understand the blessings that come from the attending the temple.
Blessings of the Temple (3:38)
President Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and members of the Church testify of the peace, knowledge, and blessings that come from temple ordinances and covenants.
President Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and members of the Church testify of the peace, knowledge, and blessings that come from temple ordinances and covenants.
---In Ezekiel 47 we read that Ezekiel was brought
to the door of the temple, where he saw in vision an event that the Prophet Joseph Smith taught would occur before the Savior’s
Second Coming . This vision is also a symbolic representation of the blessings
that come to all who live worthy to worship in the temple.
---What did Ezekiel see?
then saw a man with a measuring line who measured the water flowing farther
away from the temple.
And the
River Will Grow (3:43)
Elder Renlund and his family discuss the prophet Ezekiel's vision of the waters flowing from the house of the Lord. The river of water represents blessings, which flow from the temples to heal families and give them life.
Elder Renlund and his family discuss the prophet Ezekiel's vision of the waters flowing from the house of the Lord. The river of water represents blessings, which flow from the temples to heal families and give them life.
---What did Ezekiel notice about the water as
it flowed farther and farther away from the temple?
---In Ezekiel 47:6–7 the messenger brought Ezekiel to
the bank of the river, where he noticed many trees along both sides of the
---Where did the water go?
students to the picture “Judean Wilderness” (Bible Photographs, no. 3) in the Bible appendix
Ezekiel’s vision, this was the area through which the water ran. The sea
Ezekiel saw was the Dead Sea, so named because of its inability to sustain
animal or plant life.
---What would the water do to everything it
---What can Ezekiel’s vision teach us about
the blessings we can experience through temple worship?
blessings of the temple heal and give life to those who keep the sacred
covenants they make in the temple.)
---What are some of the blessings of the
temple that can heal or give life?
---When have you experienced blessings from
the temple that could be like healing water?
---How can the description of the trees on
the banks of this river be like individuals who experience the blessings of the
temple? (Those individuals can have eternal life and help nourish and heal
that by worshipping Heavenly Father in the temple, we can experience the
greatest blessings available to us through the Atonement of Jesus Christ,
including eternal life. As illustrated in Ezekiel’s vision, we can be healed
and changed.
---In Ezekiel 47:13–48:35 Ezekiel heard the voice of the
Lord and saw how the promised land would be divided among the house of Israel.
Ezekiel concluded his record by explaining what Jerusalem will be called after
the Lord’s Second Coming (see Ezekiel 48:35). According to the Joseph Smith
Translation, “the name of the city from that day shall be called, Holy; for the
Lord shall be there” (in Ezekiel 48:35,
footnote a).
Ezekiel 40–47. A temple in
Jerusalem in the last days
“Judah must
return, Jerusalem must be rebuilt, and the temple, and water come out from
under the temple, and the waters of the Dead Sea be healed [Ezekiel 47:1–9]. It will take some time to
rebuild the walls of the city and the temple, … and all this must be done
before the Son of Man will make His appearance”
40–47. Video presentation—“The Blessings of the Temple”
To help
students understand what blessings can come from the temple, you could show the
Mormon Messages video “The Blessings of the
Temple” (3:37)
after asking students, “What are some of the blessings of the temple that can
heal or give life?” This video shows that the blessings of the temple enable us
to be sealed to our families after death and to return to the presence of our
Heavenly Father.
Commentary and Background
38–39. The battle of Gog and Magog
The battle
Ezekiel spoke of in Ezekiel 38–39 is a battle that will precede
the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This battle has been termed the battle of
Gog and Magog as well as the battle of Armageddon (see Old
Testament Student Manual: 1 Kings–Malachi, 3rd ed. [Church
Educational System manual, 2003], 291–95). Jeremiah, Joel, Zechariah, and
John the Beloved all prophesied of this battle (see Jeremiah
25:15–38; Joel
2–3; Zechariah
12–14; and Revelation
16:14–21). Of this
battle, Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said:
“1. Our Lord
is to come again in the midst of the battle of Armageddon, or in other words
during the course of the great war between Israel and Gog and Magog. At the
Second Coming all the nations of the earth are to be engaged in battle, and the
fighting is to be in progress in the area of Jerusalem and Armageddon. (Zech. 11; 12; 13; Rev. 16:14–21.) The prophecies do not name the
modern nations which will be fighting for and against Israel, but the
designation Gog and Magog is given to the combination of nations which are
seeking to overthrow and destroy the remnant of the Lord’s chosen seed.
“The 38th and 39th chapters of Ezekiel record considerable
prophetic detail relative to this great war. It should be noted that it is to
take place ‘in the latter years’; that it will be fought in the ‘mountains of
Israel’ against those who have been gathered to the land of their ancient
inheritance; that the land of Israel shall be relatively unprotected, a ‘land
of unwalled villages’; that Gog and Magog shall come ‘out of the north parts’
in such numbers as ‘to cover the land’ as a cloud; that the Lord will then
come, and all men shall shake at his presence; that there will be such an
earthquake as has never before been known, which will throw down the mountains;
that there will be pestilence, blood, fire, and brimstone descend upon the
armies; that the forces of Gog and Magog will be destroyed upon the mountains
of Israel; that the Supper of the Great God shall then take place as the beasts
and fowls eat the flesh and drink the blood of the fallen ones (Rev. 19:17–18; D. & C.
29:18–21); and that
the house of Israel will be seven months burying the dead and seven years
burning the discarded weapons of war. …
“2. Gog and
Magog, those nations which combine as the assailants of God’s plans and
purposes, will also come up in war and rebellion in the final battle of the
Great God which is to take place at the end of the millennium plus a short
season of preparation. (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, p. 45.)”
(Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed. [1966], 324–25).
The battle
of Gog and Magog described in Ezekiel 38–39, which precedes the Second
Coming, is sometimes confused with another battle John described, which will
take place at the end of the Millennium. John referred to this battle also as
the battle of Gog and Magog (see Revelation 20:7–9; D&C 88:111–16).
40–47. A temple in Jerusalem in the last days
“Judah must
return, Jerusalem must be rebuilt, and the temple, and water come out from
under the temple, and the waters of the Dead Sea be healed [Ezekiel 47:1–9]. It will take some time to
rebuild the walls of the city and the temple, … and all this must be done
before the Son of Man will make His appearance” (Teachings of Presidents of the
Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 252).
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